View Full Version : Thurso tattooist

06-Nov-11, 16:15
Has anyone been in and had a tattoo done here, if so what are your thoughts? Any ideas on the opening hrs only every time I drive past it seems to be closed?

16-Nov-11, 19:19
Hey Guys


I am in the process of getting a Mega Tattoo from Thurso Tattoos...

Anthony is a Brilliant Tattoo Artist and the picture that I took in is going to be one of the hardest and most detailled tats he has done

Anyone wants a gander at it - email me - [email protected]

And before you ask - Yes it is sore lol



16-Nov-11, 19:24
Sorry re read the original Question

I was in at 0930 and have stayed till late o clock

Go in and discuss the proposed tattoo and they will tell you how much and when to come...They dont book as such but there is general word of mouth for when to come along.

I am going back in on Friday at 1pm! for my final 2-3Hours...but it is looking Bloomin good

Anthony is without a doubt the best tattooist I have had working on me and I have had 4 more previous from 3 other tattoo shops.

I just hope the shop is a success so I can save up for another!

Cheers again


16-Nov-11, 21:27
Beware of the Tattoo 'makers'.
We have had some huge problems with the lack of cleanliness, and the transmission of diseases through 'unclean' needles. Some of these 'infections' do not show up for some time.
One should ensure that they are regularly inspected by the local Health Authorities.....

16-Nov-11, 22:12
Give the guy a chance. First the opening was delayed by the ever vigilante authorities who will have done all they can to protect the general public.

Why done you get some 5x1 timber, a big bag of nails and board the place up over night, so we can have another empty building in town.

I for one am happy to see this shop open at last.

17-Nov-11, 00:03
Just a thought to those who are interested. This is not personal.
One bad '''''''''' stays for the rest of one's life....................

secrets in symmetry
17-Nov-11, 00:14
Give the guy a chance. First the opening was delayed by the ever vigilante authorities who will have done all they can to protect the general public.

Why done you get some 5x1 timber, a big bag of nails and board the place up over night, so we can have another empty building in town.

I for one am happy to see this shop open at last.Do you not think there are enough garishly branded chavs in Thurso already?

17-Nov-11, 00:25
Do you not think there are enough garishly branded chavs in Thurso already?

I think there are too many of lots of types in Thurso or anywhere else for that matter. But everyone as the right to have tattoos if they want it should not single anyone out as fitting into a branded character. I for one have spent a lot of my life in suits sucking up to the so called pillars of society. Now I have tattoos and am proud of them does that now make me a garishly branded chav, if so then so be it. I for one have never judge people of the way they look.

secrets in symmetry
17-Nov-11, 00:44
I'll take that as a "no" then....

Switching from sucking up to pillars of society to sucking up to tattooists and their victims is not my idea of progress....

17-Nov-11, 00:52
I'll take that as a "no" then....

Switching from sucking up to pillars of society to sucking up to tattooists and their victims is not my idea of progress....

Ouch!!!!!!!!! if you want to talk about victims what about some of the cafes in town some, one in-particular is dirty and unhygienic.
As for your comment (sucking up to tattooists) I was just pointing out that in this part of the world you are innocent until proven guilty. So why all the negative comments about this particular establishment.

17-Nov-11, 01:53
My friend had a small tattoo on her back/shoulder the other day and he charged her £100. Ridiculous price for the size of it and the letters were unreadable.

17-Nov-11, 02:13
My friend had a small tattoo on her back/shoulder the other day and he charged her £100. Ridiculous price for the size of it and the letters were unreadable.

I'm sure your friend was quoted the price before she had it it done.

If it wasn't worth it, she could have walked away.

17-Nov-11, 09:56
my wifes had the outline of her first tattoo done by Anthony its what she wanted for xmas she will be going back for up to two hours for the colour etc to be finished,the tattoo is roughly seven inches by four/five with a lot of detail and three names and at around sixty pound an hour it will cost around £240 when done sounds like a lot but the guy is an artist with a living to make as for the "dirty" comments you are welcome to go in and look around the set up and check all the 'legally required' paperwork etc....little wonder there are so many small businesses closing their doors! If you want a tattoo and see anything you dont like in thurso tattoo you can always travel to Inverness!

17-Nov-11, 12:48
I'm not a fan of tattoos I will admit but what I do wonder, especially in these times is how the hell can people afford them?

17-Nov-11, 14:06
Thanks JamesMcvean for your positive feedback - I shall go and take a look around and see for myself, but Im glad to hear you're happy with the progress of ur tattoo so far.