View Full Version : Wick Wheezers Group, welcomes Dr Lorna Murray Chest Consultant at Raigmore Hospital.

01-Nov-11, 15:21
This is an open meeting, particulary for those suffering from breathing problems and other COPD ailments. Carers are also very welcome, if you have been prescribed inhalers to ease your breathing this meeting may well be of help to you. You are not alone, it is estimated that at least 25% of you have some breathing difficulties. Dr Murray has offered to answer questions relating to COPD from the floor. However , it would assist proceedings if you can give some of your questions in advance by telephone or e-mail below.
Day 7th November
Time 2.00- 4.00 pm
Place Wick Family Centre
Address Bank Row Kw1 5EY
For more details and questions ring
Maureen Williamson on 01955 602358
Reg Lewis 01847 851678
E-Mail [email protected]