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View Full Version : Caithness Weather needs your help

15-Oct-11, 18:05
A couple of weeks ago a few of us posted our various community projects on here asking for some of you to vote :)

I believe there is only a week left to go and after spending ages going through every single project in this area (North and Northern Isles) we are in 8th place and about 40 votes behind the leaders.

If you think you would like to help the link is http://communityforce.rbs.co.uk/project/765

If you do i will say thank you in advance because i do know it is a pain in the proverbial to register and vote so every vote is really appreciated :)

15-Oct-11, 18:52
+ 1 from me though I nearly gave up as its a dreadful website for script errors.

Best of luck.

15-Oct-11, 19:04
Thank you Charlie, yeah it's not the greatest experience!
I really do appreciate it though :)

15-Oct-11, 19:45
just voted good luck

15-Oct-11, 20:06
Just voted as well paula, Good Luck, you now have 136 votes. :D

15-Oct-11, 20:10
Getting closer thank you all :)

Last time i checked the leader (Beauly Gala) had 161 votes! maybe we can catch up ?

15-Oct-11, 20:10
One from me and one from therealducati, thats 137 now.

15-Oct-11, 20:12
That's brilliant, thank you so very much guys, i know it's a pain to get registered and vote but i really appreciate every single one :)

15-Oct-11, 20:18
140 votes now, keep them coming, :D

15-Oct-11, 20:48

15-Oct-11, 22:21
Done ..... now at 145

15-Oct-11, 23:24
A couple of weeks ago a few of us posted our various community projects on here asking for some of you to vote :)

I believe there is only a week left to go and after spending ages going through every single project in this area (North and Northern Isles) we are in 8th place and about 40 votes behind the leaders.

If you think you would like to help the link is http://communityforce.rbs.co.uk/project/765

If you do i will say thank you in advance because i do know it is a pain in the proverbial to register and vote so every vote is really appreciated :)

Done Tuggs. I would like to say that you just give freely when asked and you deserve our support. Good luck.

15-Oct-11, 23:27
Done.....best of luck

15-Oct-11, 23:46
Good luck, Tuggs.

Will this help keep the snow away in the coming week?

16-Oct-11, 08:39
Thank you so very much folks :)
poppett, i saw the snow line comes close to us but i don't think we will get any unless the wind is strong enough to blow it south over us, and even if it does it wont stay :)

south view 7
16-Oct-11, 20:45
That"s another one tugs now at 156.

16-Oct-11, 20:57
Thank you folks, we are still about 12 behind the leaders (Beauly Gala) but hopefully we can catch them :)

16-Oct-11, 21:11
160 now :-)

16-Oct-11, 21:31
Just been informed the leaders are now orkney citizens advice on 171 so can we catch them?

thank you to all those braving the process and voting :)

17-Oct-11, 22:45
Update - we are still about 8 votes behind, and the leader is Beauly Gala again, we are 1 vote in front of Orkney disability forum, can we do this? can Caithness show some local support please?

18-Oct-11, 10:33
Another vote just now - you have 182. Well done and I hope you are successful!!!

Come on folks, lets get voting :)

18-Oct-11, 11:15
Send the link to all your pals and ask them to vote, quite a few of my contacts have voted.
Hope you keep getting the votes and quickly please

18-Oct-11, 15:35
Thank you so very much :) it would be great for Caithness to get something :)

18-Oct-11, 18:38
Delighted to cast my vote in your direction! Good luck, and thanks for the forecasts.

18-Oct-11, 21:16
We are in third place at the moment with 194 votes. The Orkney disability forum and Orkney citizens advice are ahead on 197 and 201 votes respectively!

19-Oct-11, 00:06
We are in third place at the moment with 194 votes. The Orkney disability forum and Orkney citizens advice are ahead on 197 and 201 votes respectively!

19-Oct-11, 20:30
Well i was hoping for a few more votes, we have fallen to about 5th place at the moment, currently to my knowledge the leader is on 230 votes and we are on 210 votes - please try and drum up some support for us!

19-Oct-11, 20:54
214 Votes now Paula, Come on all, if you have not voted yet please do so now, Tuggs needs your Vote, as we need her weather reports, so lets us do something for her,.

VOTE !! VOTE !! VOTE !! :D

20-Oct-11, 13:00
You got my vote and hope you get many more to get you into first place!

Come on folks. Paula has helped so many with her forecasts and warnings. :)

20-Oct-11, 18:14
Just voted. Good Luck :)

20-Oct-11, 20:09
Thank you all, so very much :) each and every vote is really appreciated :)

What happens next?
Voting closes at midday on Monday 24 October, after which we will be taking a pause to validate the results for each CommunityForce area. Please note, the total number of votes cast for your project may be different from the figure shown online, as we will need to add any outstanding telephone votes made before voting closes and discount any duplicate votes identified as part of the verification process. Winners will be contacted directly from 3 November, with a public announcement following before the end of the month.