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View Full Version : Anyone know anything about a swishing event?

12-Oct-11, 23:49
Apparently there is a swishing event advertised on the dounreay bullitin boards (which I dont have access to) and would be interested in going to.
Does anyone have the info on it? I think its this weekend?
For those that dont know what its about ...it seems to be a posh jumble sale of clothes where you put your stuff on rails (in sizes) and then when the swishing starts you grab what you want...try it on and keep what you like!

Bill Fernie
13-Oct-11, 02:36
Could it be the event on our front page
See http://www.caithness.org/fpb/2011/october/gallery.php?gallery=1&image=5

Sorry I am not sure what a swishing event is so maybe its not this one. You can tell me.

13-Oct-11, 07:06
are you sure it said swishing? *laughs*

13-Oct-11, 11:46
It sounds similar to the swishing evening that was held not to long ago in thurso.
I'v just e mailed them to see if they have a table left for me so i can sell make-up which is all brand new.
Names like, rimmel, revlon and so on all for a £1 each.

14-Oct-11, 08:48
Thats the one.
Though it doesnt sound like a swishing event but I suppose hubby thought it sounded the same sort of thing with people taking clothes and getting "new" ones!