View Full Version : CanAsian Salmon

11-Oct-11, 19:43
This is a recipe I have bodged together when really short for ingredients...

First get a banana plant from Lidl and grow it on a bit. Alternatively you can use baking paper to wrap it up in - run under the tap and scrunch up until damp.

The recipe is enough for 2 salmon filets.

Take a cup of jasmine rice and add one and a half cups of water and cook until all the water has been adsorbed. Set aside.

In a small mixing bowl add the following:

50ml maple syrup
50ml Ketjup Manis (sweet soy)
2 cloves of garlic crushed
A red and a green chilli deseeded and finely chopped
About an inch of ginger finely chopped
The juice of one lime
A small dash of fish sauce (leave out if you wish but it does give the recipe a je ne sais quoi)
A handful of chopped corriander
6 spring onions finely sliced like you'd have with crispy duck

Marinade the salmon filets in the mix for about half an hour - don't leave any longer as the lime will cook the salmon.

Take two banana leaves and place in a cross shape, overlapping. Place a row of rice along the middle of the leaves (or baking paper) then place the salmon on top. Drain the rest of the marinade over the the rice and then place the remaining ingredients over the top of the salmon. Seal the banana leaves with cocktail sticks and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200oC.

Reheat the rice with the marinade to cook it off.

Serve the flavoured rice with the salmon on top.

Serve with a selection of stir-fried veg

Please try the recipe - you won't be disappointed!

This is the dish but before I had the idea of mixing the marinade in with the rice...

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/253442_10150274119015781_745240780_9435512_3881255 _n.jpg