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07-Oct-11, 09:20
Quick question regarding wetsuits, what would be the minimum thickness you would reccomend for up here? Would you wear a different one for summer/winter or would one suit do all?

Thanks in advance.

07-Oct-11, 09:36
The water temp doesnt actually vary much between summer and winter ... only by 1 deg or so ... only really warming up by the end of summer and cooling down by December.
As for the thickness of a wetsuit it depends on how much you are moving to keep warm and how long you are out for.
Its a personal choice between the thickness and warmth as the thicker wetsuits are a bit more restricting in movement.
You could get a slightly thinner one and add thin neoprene rash vests and shorts underneath.
If possible try/hire out a few until you are happy with the warmth.
Saves an expensive mistake!
I used a 7mm wetsuit when I used to surf.

Even Chance
07-Oct-11, 11:46
Dont agree with yer temp differential Dadie.
I have a through-hull water temperature sensor on my yacht, and it varies from 8 deg C to as much as 14 deg C between May and the end of October.

07-Oct-11, 12:28
I have a 3/2 summer suit and a 5/4 winter suit. Most people I know have a winter suit and a summer suit. Also I would say that gloves, boots, and a hood are a MUST in winter, but optional in summer. Hope that helps. x

07-Oct-11, 13:27
Thanks for the replys

The wetsuit is actually for a jetski, and although I dont plan to be in the water for any length of time at all, I do want to wear suitable gear incase something did go wrong and I ended up in the drink for a prolonged period of time.

I do plan to get boots, gloves l/jacket and other safety gear for the ski itself (VHF, Flares, etc) as i was planning to use it for a spot of costal fishing on nice days, as per something along the lines of these guys:

I guess the real question im asking is what would be the thinnest/most practicle suit that would give me freedom of movement whilst on the ski/fishing, yet be a decent and adequate safety buffer for if I did end up in the water for any prolonged length of time.

I just have no idea regarding wetsuit thickness and what is appropriate for our neck of the woods. Prior to embarking on this I would obviously like to be 100% prepared.

07-Oct-11, 13:33
I'd take a mobile phone in a waterproof case as well. VHF is line-of-sight only. An orange smoke as well.

07-Oct-11, 13:42
I have a through-hull water temperature sensor on my yacht, and it varies from 8 deg C to as much as 14 deg C between May and the end of October.

Those figures sound about right to me. But if you're in the water at thurso east after snow the water temperature from the river might be closer to freezing.

07-Oct-11, 14:21
I'd take a mobile phone in a waterproof case as well. VHF is line-of-sight only. An orange smoke as well.

Yup a mobile in a w/proof housing was already in my list of must haves. The lifejacket im purchasing has plenty pockets for all the gear I need to keep on my person whilst out.

I was thinking of a couple of parachute flares as well as a couple of smokes.

All in all I think it would be highly unlikely given the close to shore areas I wish to fish, to need anymore than a small handheld VHF, mobile and the flares mentioned above to get someones attention if in difficulty.

Anyone any more ideas about the wetsuit - is 7mm really the thinnest anyone would go out in up here?

07-Oct-11, 15:05
You could try a 5mm steamer suit,I hear they are good,although I havent used one myself x