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View Full Version : The Most Serious Financial Crises the UK has ever seen!

07-Oct-11, 02:25
The above 'caption' came from the Governor of the Bank of England, after doing the same as the United States did with their Tarp Program.
Is it really that bad....I was there in May/June and things didn't seem too bad.
What say you?

FYI..We have just watched the US go through it, and I feel we are sitting on a precipice wondering which waye are going to go!

07-Oct-11, 07:15
It's terrible Sandy. Sales of Iphones have plummeted 1% and there will only be one tattooist opening in Thurso.:eek:

07-Oct-11, 13:05
It's terrible Sandy. Sales of Iphones have plummeted 1% and there will only be one tattooist opening in Thurso.:eek:

Your right duccy, "Moodys" have down graded most UK banks because they don't trust the Tory government to bale them out, and were only 18 month or so of a condem guaranteed self imposed 5 years.

07-Oct-11, 18:04
Your right duccy, "Moodys" have down graded most UK banks because they don't trust the Tory government to bale them out, and were only 18 month or so of a condem guaranteed self imposed 5 years.
Very interesting. Many people in the USA disagree with the governmnent bailing out banks. My Bank of America is one of those. Our nation is so deep in debt to China & bail-outs make it worse.

07-Oct-11, 20:47
Very interesting. Many people in the USA disagree with the governmnent bailing out banks. My Bank of America is one of those. Our nation is so deep in debt to China & bail-outs make it worse.

As much as we usually follow in your footsteps (USA) this time we are on our own and make our own decisions we even paid all yes all our wartime debt back to you's, it is British banks not US banks that concern me.
PS: I don't intend to be rude.

07-Oct-11, 21:43
I don't consider you rude and I agree with your statement. You folks should do what is considered best for your country.

08-Oct-11, 18:06
Is it really that bad....I was there in May/June and things didn't seem too bad.
What say you?

Yep, its fairly black looking - Just that the average consumer has still to truly understand what it means. At the moment, most of them still have their jobs, and theres still food on Tesco's shelves. But most of the population cant grasp the idea that to get the countries Profit and Loss account back on track means not buying so many Chinese TV sets off Ebay and putting it on the credit card.

09-Oct-11, 11:00
[QUOTE=orkneycadian;894289]Yep, its fairly black looking - Just that the average consumer has still to truly understand what it means. At the moment, most of them still have their jobs, and theres still food on Tesco's shelves. But most of the population cant grasp the idea that to get the countries Profit and Loss account back on track means not buying so many Chinese TV sets off Ebay and putting it on the credit card.[/QUOTE

I agree, but the problem is the UK makes next to nowt now, i wonder who's policy caused that. I know you can buy a British made telly still but you can buy a Chinese one much cheaper as is most goods. Oh to have a fair days wage for a fair days pay back, not this system of screw them for as much as you can get which works both ways and the I'm al-right Jack policy of the Tory.
I'm not stupid enough to know the unions are as much to blame for the loss of manufacturing, but two wrongs don't make a right. It need sorting.

09-Oct-11, 12:57
I agree, but the problem is the UK makes next to nowt now, i wonder who's policy caused that.

Many peoples.....

Unions (as you say) for putting many manufacturing businesses, and even whole industries out of operation
Workers, for believing the unions that there will be a better life if they strike and hold the employers over a barrel.
Businesses, for being slow to adopt practices used in other countries
Emergent economy countries for going too far the other way and exploiting child labour (and labour in general)
The UK government for doing too little (if any) to protect UK trade, preferring instead to launch gung ho into open markets, whilst other countries are more restrained and make sure they are OK.
Consumers for adopting a blinkered approach and buying whatever takes their fancy at whatever best deal their computer can get them. If it ships from China off Ebay, so be it - They have saved themselves £5 and feel good about it. If it means the shop up the road goes out of business and 20 folk lose their jobs, so what, the consumers don't care.

10-Oct-11, 02:56
Was just reading that China has been fiddling their book on their debt........Could they be a potential problem?

rob murray
10-Oct-11, 11:03
Many peoples.....

Unions (as you say) for putting many manufacturing businesses, and even whole industries out of operation
Workers, for believing the unions that there will be a better life if they strike and hold the employers over a barrel.
Businesses, for being slow to adopt practices used in other countries
Emergent economy countries for going too far the other way and exploiting child labour (and labour in general)
The UK government for doing too little (if any) to protect UK trade, preferring instead to launch gung ho into open markets, whilst other countries are more restrained and make sure they are OK.
Consumers for adopting a blinkered approach and buying whatever takes their fancy at whatever best deal their computer can get them. If it ships from China off Ebay, so be it - They have saved themselves £5 and feel good about it. If it means the shop up the road goes out of business and 20 folk lose their jobs, so what, the consumers don't care.

1 Unions : powerless now, 30 years ago you would have been right
2 Workers : 30 years ago you would have been right, nowadays people keep their heads down (public sector excempted ) see points 4 5 6 below
3 Business : your right the UK de industrialised in the 80's
4 Emergent economies yes but what can you do, also hoe can you compete against eastern european countries where labour rates are cheaper than the UK
5 Governments : yes but do you advocate trade barriers...in a 24 hour electronic trading world ?
6 Consumers : do they ignore, 24 hour on line world wide shopping /. trading or are you harking back to the Im Backing Britain campaign of the late 60;s . You cant blame consumers for maximising their income spend with or without debt / credit cards.

This is an old world wide crisis incapable of being solved

10-Oct-11, 15:09
Was just reading that China has been fiddling their book on their debt........Could they be a potential problem?
Sandy: I doubt anything good will come from China. They are already looking like the worlds next super power and I doubt they plan to use it to the benefit of the Western World. I've been to China twice: the 1st time in 1945 at the end of WW2 and the 2nd time in 1992 when I made a return trip with the organization "China Marine Association." I enjoyed visiting the people, but I believe their government is out to control the world.

weezer 316
10-Oct-11, 15:31
Sandy: I doubt anything good will come from China. They are already looking like the worlds next super power and I doubt they plan to use it to the benefit of the Western World. I've been to China twice: the 1st time in 1945 at the end of WW2 and the 2nd time in 1992 when I made a return trip with the organization "China Marine Association." I enjoyed visiting the people, but I believe their government is out to control the world.

Sorry marine, but that is an incredibly ignorant statement, especially from an American and an apparent republican at that. You lot (and us) are on a par with nazi germany when it comes to controlling the world. Dont forget that.

China's history, if you ever care to look at it rather than listen to politicians who believe god is real and evolution is a conspiracy, clearly shows they are no imperialists. They have never invaded anyone. God, they historically own Taiwan (your own govt has no official diplomatic relations with Taiwan) and they havent even taken that back by force. And lest we forget they loath to stick their nose into other countries affairs in the way the US and the UK have over the course of their "illustrious" histories.

And why would china care about the western world? Remind me the last time we truly cared about them? I dont remember troops being dispatched to help poor chinese peasants during the rape of nanjing. You were alive at the time, do you remember?

Quite amazing how you can say that, really. Astonishing ignorace.

10-Oct-11, 20:03
I dont remember troops being dispatched to help poor chinese peasants during the rape of nanjing. You were alive at the time, do you remember?
I very well remember. Did you ever hear about General Chenault and his Flying Tigers? They were very active against the Japanese Empire during the rape of Nanjing. That was before the Communists took over China. I was in China with the China Marines at the end of WW2 (I was in the Pacific for 35 months) after we defeated the Japanese Empire. I saw Chinese Communists attacking, killing & imprisoning fellow Marines at that time. We were trying to help the Chinese peasants when the Chinese Communists were fighting the Chinese Nationalist government. I likewise saw many Chinese peasants killed by the Communists. They were as bad as the Japs when it came to the killing of the Chinese people.

11-Oct-11, 00:03
I think that to say 'ignorant statement' is somewhat wrong, when you were not there and likely have no knowledge other than reading a news article.
Some parts of the World do things 'covertly' rather than overtly like the US.

'Astonishing ignorance'...your quote, to a man who has likely seen more that any person on here....Wowee....... why would you stoop to such a low!

I have seen a wee bitty, and I think you are somewhat............perhaps not too well informed......

weezer 316
11-Oct-11, 10:04
Lol! Its ignorant alright. I worked with a girl from Hong Kong for years and she never failed to express chinese bemusement at the west's view of both china and its apparent inability to see itself as an imperilaist culture which is totally at odds with chinas history. Correct me If I am wrong but the only foreign aggression I can think off was them attacking western forces across the tumen river, in a flight of fright about being invaded through manchuria (which was how the Japanese invaded china, via Korea). They dont bomb for oil, or invade looking to colonise as we in the west have done, and likely never will because they ARENT IMPERILAIST!

IN your point about the communist takeover, no doubt it was a bloody war. If thats evidence they want to take over the world to the detriment of western society then I give you Uncle sams slaughter of native americans. And thats before we get into the 20th century never mind the 21st.

Seeing alot is one thing, understanding it is evidently quite another. You often find (my grandad case in point) they have fixed views that wont change according to the situation on some people/systems/races/countries. I think his view is formed along those lines, as they have very little basis in reality. Simply looking at chinas history with its neighbors tells you its about as interested in running the world US style as I am in knitting.

Covertly? Perhaps you can furnish me with an example of this oriental trickery

And correct me if I am wrong, wasnt general Chenault in china as a private individual? Our governments did nothing, Which just backs up my point about his stupid statement. We sat back and did all. So why should china care about the west? Bit like the Czechs, We, almighty principled west, abandoned it in its hour of need, but went back when we had something to sell.

11-Oct-11, 13:20
America coined a great phrase in the past few years....Boots on the Ground!...
To read about something in the press/Tv etc etc is so far off.
To be there and know what is going on takes a soecial kind of person/ penning something whilst sitting in your rocker is another story...That's a 'pun' by the way!!
Cheese whizzz weezer....You have such a........... .. for the US.
Of course I don't think anyone agrees with some parts of the the US stance, but we would be in an awful state without them!

You know. for a Brit. I am somewhat surprised...I thought you had some intelligence, just living in THURSA!

11-Oct-11, 13:28
Lol! Its ignorant alright. I worked with a girl from Hong Kong for years and she never failed to express chinese bemusement at the west's view of both china and its apparent inability to see itself as an imperilaist culture which is totally at odds with chinas history. Correct me If I am wrong but the only foreign aggression I can think off was them attacking western forces across the tumen river, in a flight of fright about being invaded through manchuria (which was how the Japanese invaded china, via Korea). They dont bomb for oil, or invade looking to colonise as we in the west have done, and likely never will because they ARENT IMPERILAIST!.

Aye right Weezer tell that to the Tibetans, China has been in occupation there since 1951, the Chinese call it the Battle of Chamdo. If that was not an invasion to colonise I dont know what is.

weezer 316
11-Oct-11, 14:03
Oh golach spare me! Tibet was always part of China. After the fall of the dynasties in was de facto independent, a bit like Taiwan now. Your point? It would be like Scotland invading shetland, military aggresion for sure, but is that a precursor for world domination? If so, whats the UK and US? intergalactic domination.

I dont hate the US, I detest the politics and lack of any sort of common sense within a large section of their population, as the govt they choose is very powerful indeed. Thats what I detest. Thankfully their influence is lessening with each year, as its policies and viewpoints belong in the 20th century, not the 21st.

Infact, in many spheres I admire the US, sports wise for example with the NFL, their music is superb, so is some of their food.

And your point about boots on the ground is probably the most stupid thing I have seen you post on here, and thats some going. By that measure the survivors of Nagasaki are experts on nuclear weapons and Neil armstrong is an expert on the moon. Of course, the scientists that built the bomb are the experts and the men who have studied the rocks brought back are.

Because you have stood somewhere usually means you completely FAIL to see the bigger picture, as you are blinded by local experiences. Think of the flat earth....

11-Oct-11, 16:30
Ohhhhhh deary me Weezer......

weezer 316
11-Oct-11, 16:39
Ohhhhhh deary me Weezer......

Infact I have changed my mind. Look at the amount of chinese restuarants there are up here now. They are trying to take over the world!

11-Oct-11, 16:57
Ohhhhh Deary deary deary me....I am Aghast!

11-Oct-11, 17:37
Infact I have changed my mind. Look at the amount of chinese restuarants there are up here now. They are trying to take over the world!
Reading weezer is entertainment. Similar to reading the comics.

11-Oct-11, 17:48
Wisely said......

weezer 316
11-Oct-11, 18:00
Reading weezer is entertainment. Similar to reading the comics.

Ha! What exactly was wrong, factually, with my rebutal of your points and beliefs? You too sandy, lets all join in, big game of whos a slever.

11-Oct-11, 19:15
Oh golach spare me! Tibet was always part of China. After the fall of the dynasties in was de facto independent, a bit like Taiwan now. Your point? ..

Are you saying China did not cause the deaths of these Tibetans? I wonder what other atrocities of the world history are you going to deny? I could post more but this will do me.


11-Oct-11, 19:51
In addition to the Golach 'truth', Countries do things, covertly and overtly....
China is a Covert Nation/ things are done under the guise of head nodding and smiles...
The US Bombs the S''''''' out of everyone.....


11-Oct-11, 22:05
In addition to the Golach 'truth', Countries do things, covertly and overtly....
China is a Covert Nation/ things are done under the guise of head nodding and smiles...
The US Bombs the S''''''' out of everyone.....


So does Nato in Afghanistan sandy, and is Canada not a member of Nato?

11-Oct-11, 22:51
Yes Mr G. I agree. That wasn't my train of thought here...It was that the US/Nato does things...seems to openly exert force, whereas China does things without showing the 'big stick', or so it seems to me!

I am not supporting Canada for many of the things it is doing...mind you the Nato Countries are supporting te US as it is in their interests to do so...
Remember George W...You are either with us or against us!

11-Oct-11, 23:56
Oh golach spare me! Tibet was always part of China.
Where/when was that taught? I am 86 years of age and never read that in print. Perhaps Communist China would like people to believe that to justify their occupying Tibet. It looks like gullible people like you fall for that Communist propaganda.

weezer 316
24-Oct-11, 17:51
I just seen this reply!


Been part of China since about 1270. That preadates the US by about 500 years.

And to say anyone falls for propoganda when you belive in god, think sharia law has been implemented in Lybia and is a REPUBLCIAN of all things is, to be honest, utterly crazy. I contend its you that hasnt read about these things, not me.

01-Dec-11, 02:57
Sorry marine, but that is an incredibly ignorant statement, especially from an American and an apparent republican at that. You lot (and us) are on a par with nazi germany when it comes to controlling the world. Dont forget that.

China's history, if you ever care to look at it rather than listen to politicians who believe god is real and evolution is a conspiracy, clearly shows they are no imperialists. They have never invaded anyone. God, they historically own Taiwan (your own govt has no official diplomatic relations with Taiwan) and they havent even taken that back by force. And lest we forget they loath to stick their nose into other countries affairs in the way the US and the UK have over the course of their "illustrious" histories.

And why would china care about the western world? Remind me the last time we truly cared about them? I dont remember troops being dispatched to help poor chinese peasants during the rape of nanjing. You were alive at the time, do you remember?

Quite amazing how you can say that, really. Astonishing ignorace.

An expose ......Over the years a Georgetown University team has been following the Chinese and their developements of 'things'...Recently found/confirmed was 3,000 miles of Underground Tunnels causing the worry that they could have hundreds of Nuke 'thingies' that no one knows about....
What say you now Mmmmm Wweezer?

01-Dec-11, 19:57
Burrowing pandas?