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06-Oct-11, 19:34
I don't know if there's another post about this already...
I think many of you must have heard about the campaign to help Matthew Taylor, and the 'Quest' his brother is doing. If not, please read more here:


and/or here:


Anyway, I think the help of the people here is needed. Friends/family of Matthew are trying to win a Mercedes Vito van to sell on, to raise money to help pay the bills to bring Matthew home. The competition to win the van is ending tomorrow, and they are about 90 votes behind the entry with the most votes. It only takes half a minute and costs you nothing. So PLEASE go and vote, you can have 1 vote per facebook-account. Just click here:


...and vote for the last entry (Wayne Gunn). Thank you all, you can make the difference!!!:)And please do ask everybody you know to vote too!

06-Oct-11, 20:01
Both me and Mrs Kodiak Have voted and the number of votes is now 383.

Good Luck. :D

John Little
06-Oct-11, 20:07
Done - and had a look at the Facebook group too.

07-Oct-11, 06:02
Thank you all!!! Please please can EVERYONE who reads this just take the few seconds to vote...still 50 votes behind (although number of votes has gone up nicely, the other guy's votes have gone up as well), it would be such a shame if they didn't win!

07-Oct-11, 07:37
Please keep voting folks; I just did.....

07-Oct-11, 07:55
Done, good luck, need a few more votes yet everyone!!

07-Oct-11, 13:16
He is 73 votes behind the leader when I voted a few mins ago!

07-Oct-11, 21:34
71 behind now :(

08-Oct-11, 18:14
While I have every sympathy for any family in this dreadful situation, is it just me that read that the lad had no insurance cover? So when my child heads off to foreign parts later this year should I tell them not to both with insurance 'cos the good folk of Caithness will pick up the tab - or do I make sure they are sensible enough to have got this sorted out already? My "child" by the way is in their late 20's, working and therefore able to pay their own way but even so I'll be making sure that insurance is top of the list ahead of spending pennies.

08-Oct-11, 18:17
Nope, I thought the same earlier. Driving a car without insurance is taboo, so not sure why travelling without cover to countries you know full well have no reciprocal agreement with the UK isn't and seems rather foolhardy.

08-Oct-11, 18:32
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-15205019 - it appears the campaign has been successful and Matthew is coming home on Monday and will be treated in the UK.

08-Oct-11, 19:50
While I have every sympathy for any family in this dreadful situation, is it just me that read that the lad had no insurance cover? So when my child heads off to foreign parts later this year should I tell them not to both with insurance 'cos the good folk of Caithness will pick up the tab - or do I make sure they are sensible enough to have got this sorted out already? My "child" by the way is in their late 20's, working and therefore able to pay their own way but even so I'll be making sure that insurance is top of the list ahead of spending pennies.

Interesting........Tab, What Tab?...........As far I can see no one has asked for any money and none has been given. All that the members of .org was asked for, was to Vote on another site and the only cost was a few seconds of time.

It has become a very sad day indeed if you can not spare a few seconds to help out another Person in need.

08-Oct-11, 22:56
How much did they raise for doing this part of the campaign?

08-Oct-11, 23:19
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-15205019 - it appears the campaign has been successful and Matthew is coming home on Monday and will be treated in the UK.

Good news indeed! Thanks for telling us.....

08-Oct-11, 23:25
Good news indeed! Thanks for telling us.....Delighted to hear he's getting home :)

08-Oct-11, 23:28
they have 578 votes and the leader has 688 so its still do able!

08-Oct-11, 23:43
Unsure if they're needing the money from the car now that he's coming home :confused Maybe the person in the lead has need of it too...

08-Oct-11, 23:58
There is no "sob stories" on the competition page so who knows?
"sob stories" collect votes....as they pulll at heartstrings rather than trying to win on merit alone.
If the money isnt needed for Matthew coming home who or what will the money be used for?
Or will it be used for Matthews care etc...

09-Oct-11, 01:57
I would have thought that Mark wouldn't have put all that effort into fundraising if his parents could afford £200k, I expect they have borrowed the money to get him home. I don't think it unreasonable that some of that large hole in their retirement plans is replenished by the proceeds from the competition, I have already voted but would still, for that reason. Until he is actually home I would take any reports with a pinch of salt. He needs to be home and getting the best of care!

12-Oct-11, 21:47
Thank you all!!! Please please can EVERYONE who reads this just take the few seconds to vote...still 50 votes behind (although number of votes has gone up nicely, the other guy's votes have gone up as well), it would be such a shame if they didn't win!

i was voting and keeping a check on the page and noticed the other guys votes increased at the same time too..... ?coincidence much??? hmm.