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View Full Version : Royal Bank Community Force........ Help needed.

Alice in Blunderland
26-Sep-11, 16:04
I was just wondering if any of the orgers out there would like to spare a moment to help some local organisations get some extra much needed cash for their projects.

If you follow the link below and take a few moments to register you can vote for our Park fund Thrumster, we would be grateful if you did.


Once you have registered you can cast three votes, one per project. If you have a look you will see there are a few local projects/groups up for this cash prize.

Thanks in advance for your help in this. The more votes each group gets the better their chance of winning. :D

Thurso Youth Club FC
26-Sep-11, 17:31
Yes please help us as well.

Just goto http://communityforce.rbs.co.uk/project/702 and please register your vote.

As AiB said, there are alot of local groups and you get 3 votes so make them count.

I know there is the Ormlie Jobclub on the homepage too. Maybe this message should be more generic instead of the one group. Bit biased if you ask me.

Anyway thanks in advance if you choose to help our cause.

26-Sep-11, 20:00
hehe, can Caithness Weather grab one of your 3 votes please?
link is


Thanks :)

Alice in Blunderland
27-Sep-11, 06:57
Its good to see so many local projects in for a chance of money.

27-Sep-11, 08:31

please spare 5 mins to vote for the Keiss Family Community Project,
to help us get £6k towards the replacement of our two rundown and dated play parks.
the plans for the new parks are shown in pics on the link and there is also a video of the exiztsing parks so you can see what like they are.
thanks in advance folks

hadn't realised there's so many up here in for the same thing.
what a shame we can only vote for 3 :(

27-Sep-11, 14:52
Both OH and I have voted for AiB`s project and the YCFC.

OH`s last vote went to Tuggs project, and mine to Annemarie`s.

Hope that is six votes well used. Voting numbers are creeping up, so hope everyone logs in, registers and casts their three votes wisely.

27-Sep-11, 15:00
Thank you poppett, much appreciated :)

27-Sep-11, 18:16
I did 1 for Tuggs, 1 for The Rotary Club and 1 for the Caithness and Sutherland Search team.

27-Sep-11, 18:29
thanks poppett!
keiss is a small place so hard to get the votes needed. much appreciated :)