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21-Nov-04, 19:45
Hope you enjoy this fun quiz, to give everyone a sporting chance please only answer two questions per person

1. Which company is the largest retailer?
2. We speak of going to the bitter end, why?
3.What is "leaf peeping" in the usa?
4.What does a laniferous animal produce?
5.Stevie Wonder hit "happy birthday" celebrated the birthday of whom?
6.What gap could you never hope to plug?
7. In which sport might you hear the term "a pair of spectacles"?
8.Has anyone ever stayed in space for as long as 500 days?
10.In 1642 Blaise Pascal invented what?
11.Full name of discover of halleys comet?
12.How many islands is Hong Kong made up of?
13.In what year did Hong Kong return to china?
14.What year did the Panama Canal open?
15.What is the morse code for the letter F?
16.How long is the american alligator?
17.How long is the chinese alligator?
18. What year did the Berlin Wall come down?
19.How long did the Korean war last?
20. Mother of Pearl is made of what?

21-Nov-04, 22:39
1HQ. company
2 Making sure we drink every drop of bitter from the beer glass
3 Perverts peeking through bushes
4 Lanifers
5 Paul Cannop
6 Gap year
7 Football. Commentators remarks about Wick academys defence.
8 No, longer.
10 Sweets.
11 Mr Bill Halley (and the Comets).
12 Too many.
13 Didn't know it had left. Always thought it was in the same place.
14 Not old enough to remember.
15 Have to ask the Inspector for that answer.
16 Long enough to be scared of it.
17 Do they have alligators in China?
18 Too young to remember.
19 As above.
20 Flesh and bone.

Viva Diva
21-Nov-04, 23:44
I'll just start from the top then,

1. Which company is the largest retailer? - Wal-Mart

2. We speak of going to the bitter end, why? - Something to do with sailing and a rope that they use. The end of the rope is the Bitter End so once that bit is all that's left then that's that... :confused

21-Nov-04, 23:57
Nice one singapore!

You had me crying with laughter at your answers!!! :lol:

22-Nov-04, 05:40
13. hmmmm Hong Kong returned to China in 1987 I think, and since I'm not positive I'm going to answer 2 more questions.

18. The Berlin Wall came down in 1989.

20. Mother of Pearl comes from the inside of an abalone shell.

am dying to learn what leaf peeping is..... [lol]

22-Nov-04, 10:26
11 edmond Halley

22-Nov-04, 13:43
4.What does a laniferous animal produce?
18. What year did the Berlin Wall come down?

4. Laniferous animals produce wool
18. Berlin Wall came down in 1989 - I went through Checkpoint Charlie about two weeks before it happened! talk about bad timing...

22-Nov-04, 13:48
13. hmmmm Hong Kong returned to China in 1987 I think, and since I'm not positive I'm going to answer 2 more questions.

18. The Berlin Wall came down in 1989.

20. Mother of Pearl comes from the inside of an abalone shell.

am dying to learn what leaf peeping is..... [lol]

Well, since you already answered the Berlin Wall one, I'll fill you in on the leaf peeping!

Leaf peeping refers to pleasure driving in the country, especially during autumn when you get the incredible fall colours.

22-Nov-04, 17:28
2 Bitter End - to the very end in spite of harsh difficulties.
10 Blaise Pascal invented the Calculator in 1642 (I think) :confused
19 The Korean War lasted three years - my uncle was seriously injured in this war.

Good quiz - gets you thinking - or using the encyclopedia.......... :lol:

22-Nov-04, 20:22
Tristan, the leaves in fall? Isn't that in one particular State on the East Coast, where the leaves change colour suddenly but stay on the trees for quite a time before they fall?

22-Nov-04, 20:43
Tristan, the leaves in fall? Isn't that in one particular State on the East Coast, where the leaves change colour suddenly but stay on the trees for quite a time before they fall?

Jaws, the fall colours are common to most, if not all, deciduous trees that lose their leaves in the winter. As the tree goes into hibernation, the leaves lose their chlorophyll, which is the substance that gives them their green colour; when that goes, the xanthophylls or carotenoids left in the leaf show up, providing those vivid hues of yellows, oranges, reds and browns.

This is not limited to one particular state (where did you hear THAT one?) but is widespread wherever these trees grow, and are especially prolific on the eastern half of Canada and America. The cold winters here assist in the tree's life cycle.

As an additional curiosity, maple syrup (the real stuff that is) comes from one of the most vividly coloured trees, the sugar maple. It goes a really firey red.

Oh, btw, leaf peeping isn't limited to autumn and fall colours, but refers to pleasure driving in the country.

The Godfather
22-Nov-04, 20:47
1. Which company is the largest retailer?
5.Stevie Wonder hit "happy birthday" celebrated the birthday of whom?
6.What gap could you never hope to plug?
10.In 1642 Blaise Pascal invented what?
13.In what year did Hong Kong return to china?
18. What year did the Berlin Wall come down?
19.How long did the Korean war last?
20. Mother of Pearl is made of what?

1. Your More Store
5. Martin Luther King
6. The hole in your wifes head
10. Wasnt it that triangle thing, where the two numbers above equal the one below them :confused
13. 1997
18. 1989
19. Any war lasts too long
20. Pearls?!

22-Nov-04, 21:27
Sorry Tristan, I wasn't having a go. (It's true folks, Honest) I know it's the deciduous trees that do that. I just had recollections of hearing that there was one of the States were the change happened to the various species of tree at the same time instead of over a longer period. As a result all the different colours of the leaves were there at the same time and as a result there was a spectacular riot of colour.

22-Nov-04, 22:14
No.6 I would think is the Age Gap.
But I'm not to sure on that one because my kids keep telling me not to be such a Baby! :roll:

22-Nov-04, 23:49
Well done everyone, most of the answers you have all given are correct, i will post the answers on sunday, so time to get back on your thinking caps for the quiz answers :lol:

23-Nov-04, 00:08
I like a good quiz, could we have more questions to answer?

The Ormlie club quiz team kept winning the RNLI quiz league, are they still winning?

28-Nov-04, 14:09
HI everyone, glad u enjoyed the quiz and thanks for taking part, here are the answers to last weeks quiz.

1. Wal-mart
2. Nautical term, bitter end is end of rope or chain wound around bollards called bits
3. Touring country-side in autumn to admire the autumn colours of trees
4. Laniferous animal producer of wook
5. Martin luther King
6. Generation gap
7. Cricket, when batsman scores no runs in either innings of a match two zeros written together resemble spectacles
8 No, but russian cosmonaut Valery Polyakov holds record of 438 days on Mir space station in 1994/95
10. Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical adding machine
11. Edmond Halley
12. Hong kong made up of 236 islands
13. Hong Kong returned to china in 1997
14. Panama canal opened in 1914
15. morse code for F is foxtrot
16. american alligator is up to 18ft long
17. chinese alligator 7ft long
18 1989 Berlin wall
19. 1950-53 korean war
20. mother of pearl is lining of shells :D

I will make another quiz up today

The Godfather
28-Nov-04, 15:33
15. morse code for F is foxtrot

No its not. Foxtrot is ?alphonic?(i think thats wat they call it), ie Alpha, Delta, Charley.
Morse code is dots and dashes. Ie, S is, dot dot dot.

28-Nov-04, 16:17
F is Foxtrot in the Phonetic (Of or relating to speech sounds) alphabet.

F in Morse Code is .._. (Dot, dot, dash, dot)

28-Nov-04, 16:47
Well spotted!!! you both get extra points :roll: