View Full Version : If Caithness Weather has helped you personally .........

15-Sep-11, 09:35
Hi Folks,
If Either you use the website or the facebook page or i have done a forecast for you that has helped you out, would you email me a brief description of when and how please?
I entered Caithness Weather in to the RBS Communityforce project, and have been approved though the first stage and now i need to put up some pictures, info and whatever else they need and then i can make the 'page' public for voting opening in 11 days.

Any emails from folk stating the way they use Caithness Weather could be useful as testimonials.

If you think you can help then send you email to me at

[email protected]

Thank you

15-Sep-11, 20:05
Thank you very much to those that have emailed me, it is very much appreciated :)