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View Full Version : Europe approves remote islands fuel duty discount

13-Sep-11, 22:00
At Last! (but not for us on the mainland)
Europe approves remote islands fuel duty discount
Plans for a motor fuel duty discount for remote island communities have been approved by the European Commission.
The UK government scheme for islands of the Inner and Outer Hebrides, the Northern Isles, the islands in the Clyde and the Isles of Scilly was accepted by Brussels.
The 5p per litre tax discount will apply to fuel consumed on the islands.


13-Sep-11, 22:08
Maybe we will the Fuel Discount since all the Couriers think they can charge us extra for deliveries, as our Postcode KW shows we are on an Island. :D

15-Sep-11, 22:53
Well! who would have thought it?:eek:
Petrol and diesel prices have gone up at some garages on the Western Isles following approval of a motor fuel duty discount, a senior councillor has said. Alex MacDonald, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar's convener, said the 5p per litre tax discount was welcome.
But he said the UK government's announcement on the scheme was followed by prices going up at pumps on Lewis.
