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09-Sep-11, 08:21

Mobile phones and its usage increasing and each person is owning 2 or more than 2 mobile phones.

is this good for the environment

How can we control this and what can we do if we have an old and damaged mobile phone.

Your suggestions are appreciated...

09-Sep-11, 08:48
Hi everybody...:)
i wanna share you a topic about mobile phones..
Now-a-days, usage of mobile phones is dramatically increasing and each individual is having 2 or more than 2 mobile phones, either it may be working or nor working.
I dont know where it leads.

How can we control this and what can we do if we have an old and damaged mobile phone and how to protect our environment from this.

Your suggestions are appreciated...

Why do we need to control how many phones we have, when you are done with a phone either sell it on to someone or get is recycled, simples

09-Sep-11, 10:29
Hmmm, wheres this thread going I wonder....

09-Sep-11, 10:37
Nowhere hopefully.

09-Sep-11, 14:50
Hi everybody...:)
i wanna share you a topic about mobile phones..
Now-a-days, usage of mobile phones is dramatically increasing and each individual is having 2 or more than 2 mobile phones, either it may be working or nor working.
I dont know where it leads.

How can we control this and what can we do if we have an old and damaged mobile phone and how to protect our environment from this.

Your suggestions are appreciated...

What do you think we should do, Renald?

09-Sep-11, 17:32
I think there is more to worry about with the environment than having more than 1 mobile phone.

10-Sep-11, 07:39
Instead of putting all unused and damaged mobiles under the draws, am thinking that mobile phone recycling will help our environment..
what do u say..????

10-Sep-11, 08:03
Instead of putting all unused and damaged mobiles under the draws, am thinking that mobile phone recycling will help our environment..
what do u say..????

renald, what do you think all these envirophome and mazuma mobile ads are for.
mobile phone recyling had been commonplace for years.

on a side note where is "under the draws"?

10-Sep-11, 08:07
Instead of putting all unused and damaged mobiles under the draws, am thinking that mobile phone recycling will help our environment..
what do u say..????

Sorry to burst your bubble, but plenty of companies have already had 'your' idea.




10-Sep-11, 12:12
I'm still using a Sony Ericsson k750i. Mind you, I'm old.

10-Sep-11, 13:04
I'm still using a Sony Ericsson k750i. Mind you, I'm old.

Great phone, my dad uses my old Sony Ericsson T28s

12-Sep-11, 05:59
Sorry to burst your bubble, but plenty of companies have already had 'your' idea.

www.envirofone.com (http://www.envirofone.com)

www.mobilephonexchange.co.uk (http://www.mobilephonexchange.co.uk)

www.mazumamobile.com (http://www.mazumamobile.com)
Yes, theone
I have visited those portals and sees good and helpful, thanks for your suggestions
In these portals i can find to sell my mobile for recycling, but how to find compare the prices that they pay for my mobile
are there any portals where i can compare the price they pay for our mobile ???

12-Sep-11, 07:23
Crazy idea here
Why not get quotes from all the available mobile recycling sites, write them down and pick the best deal.
Hey presto the renald comparison method!!

12-Sep-11, 07:52
Why is it necessary for people to continually replace their phones? I'm still using the mobile phone I bought four years ago. I've had to replace the battery but it still works fine. Ok it's perhaps not as shiney as your new one but it serves its purpose which is to enable me to contact friends and relatives and have a conversation. I can't understand why many people have become so obsessed with having the lastest all-singing, all-dancing gizmo. It's only a phone for goodness sake!

12-Sep-11, 08:58
Depends on you requirements doesnt it.
Mine is my MP3 player, internet browser, email machine, office docs on the move, phone, diary, planner etc etc

12-Sep-11, 09:53
I think they are pure evil and should be banned. It is just a mind control scheme by 'THEM'!!!! :eek:

THEY are using them to eavesdrop on your thoughts, beware the Illuminate, they know what you are thinking. The CIA have taken Project Echelon to a whole new level, funded by the Bilderberg Group. They can see into your mind!!

Ban them NOW.

(tin foil anyone?)

12-Sep-11, 10:18
For a laugh I got a price from Mazuma for our phones. Mine didnt have a value but they offered to recycle it for free. therealducati's brand new £1000 bilbury I was offered 8 quid for [lol]

12-Sep-11, 14:37
Why is it necessary for people to continually replace their phones? I'm still using the mobile phone I bought four years ago. I've had to replace the battery but it still works fine. Ok it's perhaps not as shiney as your new one but it serves its purpose which is to enable me to contact friends and relatives and have a conversation. I can't understand why many people have become so obsessed with having the lastest all-singing, all-dancing gizmo. It's only a phone for goodness sake!

Technology thats why. My mobile from 4 years ago couldn't make tea, but it can now. In another 2 years I will be not needing my wife :cool:

13-Sep-11, 07:58
Crazy idea here
Why not get quotes from all the available mobile recycling sites, write them down and pick the best deal.
Hey presto the renald comparison method!!

yeah., your idea is really crazy
but some of them dont know why people change mobile phones. We change only when we have more phones or when they are damaged....

14-Sep-11, 07:45
For a laugh I got a price from Mazuma for our phones. Mine didnt have a value but they offered to recycle it for free. therealducati's brand new £1000 bilbury I was offered 8 quid for [lol]

Then what would you like to do, would you like to recycle with it or looking for better price..?

Walter Ego
14-Sep-11, 08:19
OK, Renald.

You're doing a fair old bit of fishing for info here. Are you thinking of setting up some sort of used mobile phone business, perchance?

14-Sep-11, 19:40
My antique Nokia 3310 still does it for me.

14-Sep-11, 22:53
Depends on you requirements doesnt it.
Mine is my MP3 player, internet browser, email machine, office docs on the move, phone, diary, planner etc etc

You'd be knackered if you dropped it or lost it then wouldn't you. LoL

15-Sep-11, 07:36
You'd be knackered if you dropped it or lost it then wouldn't you. LoL

Not al all bud, I dropped it just last night and I have never lost a phone in my life.
If I did break or lose it then I would have to revert to my laptop fot the backup of everything.

15-Sep-11, 09:58
The price depends on the condition of your mobile.

15-Sep-11, 21:12
Technology thats why. My mobile from 4 years ago couldn't make tea, but it can now. In another 2 years I will be not needing my wife :cool:

Whys that, can you get porn on your phone?

16-Sep-11, 10:36
OK, Renald.

You're doing a fair old bit of fishing for info here. Are you thinking of setting up some sort of used mobile phone business, perchance?

No dear, am dont want to start business on that. i was just sharing my ideas...

16-Sep-11, 17:54
Yes, theone
I have visited those portals and sees good and helpful, thanks for your suggestions
In these portals i can find to sell my mobile for recycling, but how to find compare the prices that they pay for my mobile
are there any portals where i can compare the price they pay for our mobile ???

yes there are....

a simple 2 second google popped up these





16-Sep-11, 23:52
Crazy idea here
Why not get quotes from all the available mobile recycling sites, write them down and pick the best deal.
Hey presto the renald comparison method!!

Or better still type in recycling moibles compare in google.

17-Sep-11, 16:47
My wife and I each have one cell phone at senior citizen price. We turn them ON only when we want to use them. Can't get much cheaper than that.