View Full Version : Any1 know of a dog sitter

07-Sep-11, 19:26
I'm looking for some1 to look after our 9month old Lhasa Apso "Dougal".
We are away on holiday on Sautarday 8th October and will be returning home on Tuesday 18th. Our usual dog sitter cant manage it this time and the boss doesn't really want to put Dougal into the kennels.

Dougal is house trained, good with other animals and children (we have 2 boys, 7 & 4 yrs)
We are in Thurso.

If any1 knows of, or is willing to look after him, if you could send me a Pm or Email to [email protected]


09-Sep-11, 22:42
Hey Sarah And Shane Rogers at Cogle Farm ,Quoybrae have started a Home from Home dog boarding - looking after your dog in the comforts of their home - great people and great set up worth a try ??

09-Sep-11, 22:46
details here..... http://www.caithness-business.co.uk/business.php?id=2720