View Full Version : Buzzbargain

01-Sep-11, 20:52
Well fellow orgers read from the bottom up, unbelievable response don't you think?

Dear buzzbargain,
On the item it says under delivery United Kingdom Standard Delivery (Royal Mail 1st Class Standard) Within 3-4 working days- webmannie

From: buzzbargain
To: webmannieSubject:
Re: buzzbargain sent a message about Morex Epia-EK Mini ITX System #260839038287
Sent Date: 01-Sep-11 20:19:03 BST

Dear webmannie,It clearly states courier, Royal Mail is not an option otherwise I would have stated this.I spoke to eBay first before contacting you and cancelling your transaction, they said that I am perfectly correct in doing so and that you should have contacted me first before bidding.- buzzbargain

From: webmannie
To: buzzbargain
Subject: Re: buzzbargain sent a message about Morex Epia-EK Mini ITX System #260839038287
Sent Date: 01-Sep-11 20:00:52 BST

Dear buzzbargain,If this is not resolved immediately as per agreed transaction terms. I will report this transaction to ebay, your delivery details clearly states UK mainland, Royal Mail standard 3-4 day, I notice you have quoted everybody but Royal Mail.- webmannie

From: buzzbargain
To: webmannie
Subject: Re: buzzbargain sent a message about Morex Epia-EK Mini ITX System #260839038287
Sent Date: 01-Sep-11 19:39:35 BST

Dear webmannie,Wise up. Why should I pay extra to send to you because you have decided to live in the middle of no where? Move closer to civilization and I will send it to you for the same price as everyone.I am not disputing that Thurso is on the mainland, I am telling you that all couriers I have tried say that your location is classed as a highland and islands location. I do not control this in any way and do not profit from it in any way.What courier do you use that don't charge extra? I have tried with TNT, Fedex, CityLink, DHL and HDNL. All say that your address is classed as highlands and islands. I have tried my best for you however this is the usual with these companies, I am surprised you do not know this.Let me know what you want to do. I will cancel the transaction if you want or you can pay the actual postage. - buzzbargain

From: webmannie
To: buzzbargainSubject:
Re: buzzbargain sent a message about Morex Epia-EK Mini ITX System #260839038287
Sent Date: 01-Sep-11 19:04:54 BST

Dear buzzbargain,Hi, Sorry but Thurso is on the mainland not an island. I am also sorry that your couriers do not recognise this, the post office does. It is a constant issue i encounter due to the KW postcode encompassing Orkney and Caithness and courier systems not recognising the difference. I shall also point out that you did not state additional delivery cost for mainland Highlands, therefore i expect you to honour your stated delivery cost. Would you appreciate being charged extra for delivery of an item from Caithness on the uk mainland? Funnily enough it doesn't cost extra sending stuff from here via all the couriers, strange that don't you think?- webmannie

From: buzzbargain
To: webmannie
Subject: buzzbargain sent a message about Morex Epia-EK Mini ITX System #260839038287
Sent Date: 01-Sep-11 15:38:05 BST

Dear webmannie,Hello. Thank you for your purchase. Your address is defined as a highland and islands address by all of our couriers. The cost to send to your address is £18 and not £8. Can you please send the additional £10 postage costs via paypal to [email protected]. Thank you.- buzzbargain

01-Sep-11, 20:57
OMG this is another thread with no paragraphs, it is impossible to read. I am posting exactly the same that I did in the other thread as it is exactly how I feel.

I took one look at that block of text and Shuddered. I still have not read a word of it and possibly wont.

Could you not have made it a little more user friendly by the use of Paragraphs. It would have made it a lot easier to read, especially for people who, like me, have problems reading Blocks of text due to bad eyesight.

01-Sep-11, 21:04
Gee Whizz Kodiak, geez a chance to fix it. i just posted it and noticed it had done that, it wasn't like that when i posted it

01-Sep-11, 21:07
Buy whatever it is elsewhere - Another lost sale for a company / individual that doesn't recognise we have a postal service in the country that is cheaper than using couriers!

01-Sep-11, 21:24
Buy whatever it is elsewhere - Another lost sale for a company / individual that doesn't recognise we have a postal service in the country that is cheaper than using couriers!

Absolutely orkneycadian, Royal Mail has been impressing me lately, we use them a lot

01-Sep-11, 21:28
I see they've amended the item description and now only show courier options, no RM any more...typical.

01-Sep-11, 21:31
Latest response,

Dear webmannie,

I have explained to you that delivery is via courier and the cost is more to your remote area and given you the opportunity to pay the additional or get a refunded. You did not want to pay so I have refunded you. I have corrected the listing so that it accurately shows the postage costs to your area. You are more than welcome to purchase the same item again though this time it will show the specific regional surcharges.
- buzzbargain

John Little
01-Sep-11, 21:41
Dear Buzzbargain;

you advertise goods for delivery to the UK mainland at a stated cost. Your refusal to do so constitutes an infringement of the Trades descriptions Act and the Advertising standards laws.

Which is why I have submitted a stinker of a review on your reputation to Ebay and why your rating has dropped.

Have a nice day.


01-Sep-11, 22:09
Dear Buzzbargain;

you advertise goods for delivery to the UK mainland at a stated cost. Your refusal to do so constitutes an infringement of the Trades descriptions Act and the Advertising standards laws.

Which is why I have submitted a stinker of a review on your reputation to Ebay and why your rating has dropped.

Have a nice day.


Wish i could John, problem is that you cannot do that coz he cancelled the transaction. I rejected his request to cancel which doesn't count for anything. Cannot even raise a case against it coz the transaction no longer exists. Appears to be a loophole making a mockery of Trading Standards. It's the arrogance, sorry sir but it doesn't say Delivery £8, Royal Mail 3-4 days. Yet in the last email he's changed it and lo and behold Royal mail 3-4 days is gone.

John Little
01-Sep-11, 22:15
I think you are going have to chalk this one up to experience. He is an arrogant creep it is true, but unfortunately there's a lot of them about. It would be nice to believe in Karma and that he'd get some negative stuff from this but it's not likely.

Consider though - you answered an ad in good faith and kept your word.

He did not.

You are the better man I think.

Amazon may do it for a better price...

01-Sep-11, 22:16
Yup been stung by a seller on ebay too, the postage was dutifully paid..item refused to move from its warehouse as we lived in a high postage area(60 days of ongoing probs with the seller).
As soon as you hit the dispute button the item is refunded, and therefore "resolved" and you cant leave feedback.

01-Sep-11, 22:20
Karma i believe in, the power of the internet i believe in. Guess what, in the near future he'll type Buzzbargain into google and i would like to think this thread will pop up and bite him in the ass. subtle payback don't you think? All power to the org!!

01-Sep-11, 22:22
Yup been stung by a seller on ebay too, the postage was dutifully paid..item refused to move from its warehouse as we lived in a high postage area(60 days of ongoing probs with the seller).
As soon as you hit the dispute button the item is refunded, and therefore "resolved" and you cant leave feedback.

It must be against trading standards or something, is our Trading Standards expert still on the org?

01-Sep-11, 22:25
Oh It is as its "not as advertised" but they get round it with the handy ebay loophole that if refunded/transaction cancelled everything is hunky dory attitude!

01-Sep-11, 22:27
I only buy stuff from peeps that don't charge extra postage but in this case webmannie was led to believe that was the case. So what can you do? You can review sellers but I don't know if you have to buy from them first?

You can also write a guide, maybe he could slip something past the MODs (on ebay).

01-Sep-11, 22:33
I have found this buzzbargain on ebay. He has at present 6 items for sale and on 5 of them he has Free P&P. The 6th is £8 and no where does he state anything about extra fo Highlands.

Also I see his location is Glasgow and no Carrier charges extra to deliver up here from Glasgow.

secrets in symmetry
03-Sep-11, 17:06
Gee Whizz Kodiak, geez a chance to fix it. i just posted it and noticed it had done that, it wasn't like that when i posted itI've always had problems pasting text into vBulletin, it eats white space between paragraphs.

This version of vB supports pasting formatted text from Word, but in my experience it's so full of bugs that it's more hassle than theprevious version.

03-Sep-11, 18:09
I to have had this problem but my beef is why do the companies not charge extra if we post from the highlands to say cornwall . its the same distance they travel if they come from cornwall to the highlands . Its just a way of getting extra cash. we had something bought up on a pallett phoned a company down south to bring the item up the price was to dear so phone the company up at this end and the prices was cheaper make that out same company same distance

03-Sep-11, 18:59
If they won`t use Royal Mail, I don`t buy from them if they want a highlands and islands premium.

Simple..............and much quicker with RM too.

03-Sep-11, 21:16
Anyone tried the collect+ service? I tried it once, found it a bit slow but price was good.