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View Full Version : Poll For Gordon Campbell

04-Oct-06, 17:48
He would certainly brighten up National politics, I think he`d be brilliant for up here rather than the dull Jamie Stone msp Or John Thurso Sinclair Mp. I decided we`d have a poll (a bit of fun) to see what ye all think

04-Oct-06, 17:50
yes willowcelt i think u would be a good campaigner for mr cambell.[lol] [lol]

04-Oct-06, 17:59
Gordon Campbell for PM .......Send him the money.........:Razz He deserves it for making me laugh so much today!!!!!!!!! :Razz

04-Oct-06, 18:18
With people having fought and sometimes died for the right to vote, I think it is something to be taken seriously. Anyone willing to vote for a lunatic, "for the crack", probably deserves to have their wish granted and see what a shambles it would be. This man is an insult to the intelligence. I think he polled close to 900 votes at the last election. Proves that there are others as loopy as himself and an insult to all those who have never had a true choice of vote. Get a grip of yourselves!!

04-Oct-06, 18:26
Oooops.......Archangel Jophiel is around today and he wants us to have a laugh! :cool:

04-Oct-06, 18:32
im quite new to all this ppl just can have a bit of crack now a days[lol]p.s get him up there

04-Oct-06, 18:37
The funny thing is I was canvassed ( What a letter!!!!!!! I am still trying to figure it out.) and cannot vote in national palimentary elections.

04-Oct-06, 18:54
With people having fought and sometimes died for the right to vote, I think it is something to be taken seriously. Anyone willing to vote for a lunatic, "for the crack", probably deserves to have their wish granted and see what a shambles it would be. This man is an insult to the intelligence. I think he polled close to 900 votes at the last election. Proves that there are others as loopy as himself and an insult to all those who have never had a true choice of vote. Get a grip of yourselves!!

No ,I wouldnt vote for him either [disgust]

04-Oct-06, 19:23
"Right to vote"

Exactly Scorrie, its my right to vote for who I want and if I want to vote for Gordon Campbell as opposed to the 2 1/2 party plebs we are stuck with now - then I will.

One of the joys of a democracy is having the CHOICE to stick your fingers up at whoever you want when it comes to the election!

Of course if you believe that we all should be shepherded into voting for 'approved' parties than please feel free to move to one of the many countries that still support this version of democracy.

misty woman
04-Oct-06, 20:10
"Right to vote"

Exactly Scorrie, its my right to vote for who I want and if I want to vote for Gordon Campbell as opposed to the 2 1/2 party plebs we are stuck with now - then I will.

One of the joys of a democracy is having the CHOICE to stick your fingers up at whoever you want when it comes to the election!

Of course if you believe that we all should be shepherded into voting for 'approved' parties than please feel free to move to one of the many countries that still support this version of democracy.
Compleatly agree with this.We all have the choice to vote for who we want to.

04-Oct-06, 20:19
I would'nt waste my vote on him. He strikes me as having a serious deviation from reality.....Definately on another plane of existence from most of the rest of us!:lol:

If I may quote from a favourite film of mine .....The Green Mile 'This boys cheese has definately slid off his cracker!':lol:

04-Oct-06, 21:09
I would'nt waste my vote on him. He strikes me as having a serious deviation from reality.....Definately on another plane of existence from most of the rest of us!:lol:

If I may quote from a favourite film of mine .....The Green Mile 'This boys cheese has definately slid off his cracker!':lol:

LOL Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

04-Oct-06, 21:18
"Right to vote"

Exactly Scorrie, its my right to vote for who I want and if I want to vote for Gordon Campbell as opposed to the 2 1/2 party plebs we are stuck with now - then I will.

One of the joys of a democracy is having the CHOICE to stick your fingers up at whoever you want when it comes to the election!

Of course if you believe that we all should be shepherded into voting for 'approved' parties than please feel free to move to one of the many countries that still support this version of democracy.

If you are to use your vote, surely you should vote for the candidate best capable of being your representative in Parliament. No matter what you think of the main parties, at least their candidates seem to have the appealing advantage of being at least sane!!

If I were of a mind to stick one, two, or more finger(s) up to one particular party, I would be likely to vote for the party most likely to make a difference to the result. I could also spoil my paper in protest at the lack of quality in the candidates. The one thing I would not do is use my vote "for the crack" and vote for a candidate who would make himself, the constituency and his supporters a laughing stock. Can you honestly vote in all seriousness for a candidate who might turn ASDA down, on the grounds that he would prefer a Bagpipes training complex instead?

Democracy is choice, be thankful you have that choice, which others do not possess.

New Slogan just in:-

"Vote Campbell, the man who put the tit in Constituency"

04-Oct-06, 21:22
Democracy is choice, be thankful you have that choice, which others do not possess.

New Slogan just in:-

"Vote Campbell, the man who put the tit in Constituency"

Absolutely brilliant scorrie, I was beginning to worry about ye there[lol]

04-Oct-06, 22:29
Well, I'm sticking to my guns.

As I said earlier, we can all vote for who we like, just because the majority disagree with GC's view on the world it doesn't make him any less a candidate than any other politician.

It's all very well to get sniffy about someone elses ideals but please don't assume that because it doesn't fit in with your view of the world that it is a 'for the crack' vote. If the main parties have become so bland and inseperable then surely a slap round the head vote is the best way of waking them up! Surely that's a protest vote - very common - just not for a different mainstream party.

Politicians have all got one thing in common, they all crave popularity and if you make someone else more popular than them, they suddenly start to brush up their act.

Regarding my personal opinion of GC's politics I can only say that he pounced on me in Safeways car park one day, fired off an incomprehensible tirade against the 'new jews of europe' (wont say who he was talking about) and then disappeared into the sunset.

There are a number of politicians who I dislike intensely, George Galloway and Tommy Sheridan are two Scots politicians who spring to mind. I find them both confrontational for no good reason, self centred, egotistical, have unrealistic policies and are out for themselves as opposed to the good of the country.

Now to me, they are no different to GC but I still respect their right to stand as politicians and if anyone should ever start trying to lecture me about 'wasting votes' on them then the first thing I would do is go out and vote for them!

Maybe it's because I'm British, and in the best traditions of the Celtic and Anglo-Saxon mindset, loathe being told what to think.

04-Oct-06, 22:30
I've never voted. Someone keeps nagging at me to vote but I really don't want to, it's like choosing between a turd sandwich and a giant douche(people who watch South Park will understand). If I was MADE to vote, I'd vote for Gordon Campbell... just to annoy the person who keeps nagging me :D

04-Oct-06, 23:11
ME vote for Him!!..NOT A HOPE IN HELL

04-Oct-06, 23:52
There is no way I would vote for this man; he is a dangerous person. He tries to force his way into houses and will jump into your car. Imagine if he did this to some nervous person who may be frightened of him. The way he swears and rants at people, I would most certainly report him to the police. No one else would get off with it; it is time he was curtailed.

05-Oct-06, 13:41
He's the No. 1 candidate for the don't vote it only encourages them approach to democracy.
As for the rest, if you have a problem that needs political intervention you need a canidate who commands respect not bewilderment!

Cedric Farthsbottom III
05-Oct-06, 21:09
No way.Like Mr Campbell, puts the fun back into politics.But running the county......no chance.Imagine him wi the red button.As the auld guy said in Dads Army......"We're doomed!!!!":lol: :lol:

Carlo Gambino
06-Oct-06, 19:16
That chap is an absolute embarrasment, but I shall give him some credit, He doesnt give up and is very resillient. I will not be voting for him but it would be amusing to see him greet her majesty & address the House of Commons!

07-Oct-06, 00:47
I'd vote for anybody if I thought they could shake up the Nodding Donkies which make up the current crop of Politicians who are only capable of braying to the tune their Party demands.

Gordon Campbell, unfortunately, does not fall into that category.

07-Oct-06, 09:03
I have voted for him in the past. The other main parties do not have the policies that I agree with. It was definitely a vote to show how wide of the mark I think the rest of them are. At least Gordon Campbell makes no bones about the fact he calls a spade a spade and does what he believes. A lot more honest than any other politician I have ever listened too.

07-Oct-06, 13:36
No chance, he's off his rocker! I saw him in Safeways once, he approached the person I was with and said "Thank you for your vote" and went to shake their hand... whhhaaat??? [lol]

He also opened our car and stuck a leaflet inside it whilst it was parked unattended outside our house one day :eek:... needless to say the car gets locked now, and I also lock the house doors when it's just me and the WeeBurdies in it!!