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View Full Version : cattery in caithness???

24-Aug-11, 18:46
We are looking for a cattery in the caithness area. we have tried hilltop cattery (used to be zoes) and they are full the one we use to use has closed and we are looking for a new one if anyone has any info on one that they use it would be much appreciated :Razz​

24-Aug-11, 22:40
Have sent you a pm

25-Aug-11, 09:55
Hi, Catburn Cattery
telephone: 01593 751217 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 01593 751217 end_of_the_skype_highlighting - Text Number (http://forum.caithness.org/sms.publisha?Referer=UHJldmlvdXNUeXBlPSZQcmV2aW91c 0xvY2F0aW9uPSZDbGFzc0NvZGU9JkFyZWFDb2RlPSZCdXNpbmV zc1R5cGU9Y2F0dGVyeSZUb3duT3JQb3N0Y29kZT1iZXJyaWVkY WxlJng9MzMmeT0xMA%3d%3d&Info=Q2F0YnVybiBDYXR0ZXJ5&MN=MDE1OTMgNzUxMjE3&PT=Catteries in and around Berriedale (Caithness))
Borgue, Berriedale. KW7 6HA - Map (http://forum.caithness.org/map.publisha?Referer=UHJldmlvdXNUeXBlPSZQcmV2aW91c 0xvY2F0aW9uPSZDbGFzc0NvZGU9JkFyZWFDb2RlPSZCdXNpbmV zc1R5cGU9Y2F0dGVyeSZUb3duT3JQb3N0Y29kZT1iZXJyaWVkY WxlJng9MzMmeT0xMA%3d%3d&Info=Q2F0YnVybiBDYXR0ZXJ5&Address=Qm9yZ3VlLCBCZXJyaWVkYWxlLiBLVzcgNkhB&MapCode=NTguMTk5OCwtMy40ODM4&PT=Catteries in and around Berriedale (Caithness))

26-Aug-11, 22:07
Catburn Cattery is now unfortunately closed.