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19-Aug-11, 15:07
Unfortunately my daughters pet rabbit has been killed, she is on holiday with her Grandparents at the moment and due back on Sunday night, so I desperately need the orgers help to find a replacement before she returns. If you know of anyone who has bunnies for sale, could you pass me on their numbers please? The rabbit must be white, preferably with ginger markings. Thank you in advance.

19-Aug-11, 15:15
She will notice no matter what bunny you get.
It cant be done....the sneaky replacement swapping of a bunny...kids always notice the difference.
It might be worth having the talk about her rabbit dying ...not the murder version!
And show her where its buried in the garden......?
Then see if she wants another rabbit when baby ones are ready to pick, then take home.

19-Aug-11, 15:19
Even if she's very young, she's bound to know the difference. You're better just to come clean and take it from there - you don't have to go into graphic details

19-Aug-11, 15:25
No ....the peacefully in sleep story as it was old/poorly etc line should work!
Or the serious cop out..I went out in the morning to feed it and it wasnt moving...

19-Aug-11, 15:29
Unfortunately, my daughter has had her fair share of death recently and as she is only 4 years old I do not wish to tell her that her beloved bunny has died and upset her further, so unless you can tell me of someone who is selling bunnies please do not reply to this post.

19-Aug-11, 15:42
There is a furries show on in september and unicorn on here knows of a few breeders of show rabbits (they may have some for sale as pets that dont quite make the show grade). It might be worth pm her to put you in touch with some of them.
kimanderson usually has loads of rabbits on here......but I dont know what like they are as they all seem to be a mix...might be worth a pm too.

19-Aug-11, 15:44
Thank you for your help, will get in touch with unicorn and kimanderson

19-Aug-11, 15:57
So you are going to upset her less by firstly lying to her, then when she tells you that is not her rabbit eventually having to tell her the truth.

Children are remarkably observant, and very very resilient. I know you are intending the best, but you really are making the whole situation worse.

Explain matter of factly that her rabbit has died and she will understand. Yes there will be tears, but when you go with her to choose the new one they will soon be forgotten.

Please for your daughters sake do not go down the lying route.

It will not work.

Yes I have 4 kids, and I know how hard this is going to be!

19-Aug-11, 16:10
I can see both sides off the coin here and neither is wrong.

Five years ago, daughter number 1 (aged 6 at the time) had a rabbit. It died whilst she was at school, so I cleaned out it's hut, disposed off it and then got rid off everything before she came home from school.

I sat her down, explained what happened, waited for the tears and heartache only to be told "Pets don't last forever you know!" :lol:

Two years ago, daughter number two (aged three at the time) had a gold fish that died, we told her it had moved to her grandads pond because she was far too big for her tank.

I'm sure that daughter number two (much like KAO's daughter) isn't going to grow into a twisted, psychotic, murdering member of society due to one white lie?!?! :roll:

19-Aug-11, 16:24
Trying to pass one pet off as another won't fool most kids. What you tell each child about death obviously relies on age and the ability to understand. Usually, they won't 'grow into a twisted... 'etc

19-Aug-11, 17:55
White with ginger markings sounds like a cross breed to me, so best to see Kim Anderson, or try pets at home, sorry I can't help more.

19-Aug-11, 19:32
Unfortunately, my daughter has had her fair share of death recently and as she is only 4 years old I do not wish to tell her that her beloved bunny has died and upset her further, so unless you can tell me of someone who is selling bunnies please do not reply to this post.

You've posted on a public forum, people will inevitably reply as they wish to, not necessarily as you wish them to.

19-Aug-11, 19:34
KAO asked for help, which some of you have kindly given. What she never asked for was your personal opinions, I think that she will know what is best for her daughter!

19-Aug-11, 19:39
Public forum.....you accept the responses given......
In the general section....not even in pets corner.....
Still I would rather not be in KAOs shoes when her girl asks why her rabbit is different.....
4 yo old girls notice a lot about their pets.

19-Aug-11, 20:30
A friend of mine was asked to look after his mates house while he was on holiday. On one of his visits he looked out of the kitchen window to see his dog tossing the family rabbit all over the garden, killing it. luckily for him the rabbit wasnt white with ginger markings but a plain black one so he decided to replace it. When the family got back his little girl come running into the house, after playing in the garden shouting about the rabbit. His mate burst out laughing when he told him what had happened. The rabbit had died the week before the holiday and they buried it in the garden.

19-Aug-11, 20:56
tell her the rabbit has escaped!
you've looked everywhere but cant find it. after the tears, buy her a new one. at least she'll think its happy out with the wild bunnies and not dead.

19-Aug-11, 21:37
Surely she will notice her rabbit has been replaced with a baby one. Try looking at adults needing rehomed, there's 33000 rabbits in rescue at the moment, so there will be one that looks like the previous one (even if I don't agree with what you are doing).

20-Aug-11, 17:18
Rabbits available in Balmore, as Sarah said try a rescue. It's going to be very difficult to find a match, but best of luck to you.

20-Aug-11, 18:25
I'd go with what Annmarie has suggested... then maybe picking a new rabbit will help take her mind off it. And as Sarah suggested, getting one from a rescue center is a great idea. That's where I got my rabbit last year and he's great! :D

Good Luck whatever you decide to do!

24-Aug-11, 05:09
Just go and tell her before she comes to home ! It may relief atleast some sadness to her after reaching the home... and pick her some puppy rather then bunny am pretty sure it will help your daughter to overcome from her loss !