View Full Version : A Filing problem

17-Aug-11, 16:16
I had occasion to reinstall my operating programme a few weeks ago, after which I had loads of tweaking to do to get things back to what they were. However I still have one little nagging problem and its this : I write a word document and then go to "File" and click "Save As" but it never appears in "MY Documents" as directed ! .............. So What I'm doing presently to over-ride this, is to send it to my "Desktop" and cut & paste it into documents. Can you tell me what I ought to do to ensure it goes directly to the file I want it to please ? I'm uncertain whether I have word 2002 or 2003 ... properties does not seem to tell me.

18-Aug-11, 00:02
your simply need to use a search engine..............
and type you question there......

http://uk.search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0oGkmFWSExODkMAUEVLBQx.;_ylc=X1MDMjEx NDcxNzAwMwRfcgMyBGFvAzAEZnIDeWZwLXQtNzAyBGhvc3Rwdm lkA2NZbWpxMG9Ha3lueEVIdl9UZTBOa3dwOVZodTA4azVNU0ZZ QUNVdUsEbl9ncHMDMARuX3ZwcwMwBG9yaWdpbgNzcnAEcXVlcn kDY2hhbmdlIGRlZmF1bHQgc2F2ZSBmb2xkZXIgaW4gd29yZARz YW8DMQR2dGVzdGlkAw--?p=change+default+save+folder+in+word&fr2=sb-top&fr=yfp-t-702&rd=r1


18-Aug-11, 16:26
Have you checked settings in word to check and/or change default save location?
Also, when using 'save as' you should be able to specify where you want to save.

18-Aug-11, 16:36
This page may help:


18-Aug-11, 22:28
Thank you all so much problem now solved.

19-Aug-11, 00:55
and the fix was?


19-Aug-11, 06:03
Thank you all so much problem now solved.

Please tell us the fix, that way if someone else has the same problem and finds this thread they will know what to do. Also everyone that has tried to help will learn a little more and perhaps be able to provide more help next time...