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View Full Version : Morning has Broken

02-Oct-06, 12:06
Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning,
Praise for them springing fresh from the world.

Sweet the rains new fall sunlit from heaven,
Like the first dewfall on the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden,
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass.

Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning.
Born of the one light Eden saw play.
Praise with elation, praise ev'ry morning,
God. recreation of the new day.

Please can you tell me did Cat Stevens write the lyrics - as it says on my sheet, (though how beautifully he sings it)
or was it Eleanor Farjeon as I always thought ?

02-Oct-06, 14:18
It is certainly one of my favorites!

I have the author as Eleanor Farjeon. And of course the tune is Bunessan named with the village on the west side of Mull.

02-Oct-06, 14:51
Perhaps of interest? - http://www.weddingguide.co.uk/articles/wordsmusic/hymns/Hymn-MorningHasBroken.asp#MorningHasBroken

Bells are ringing faintly about the music itself but I cannot remember something of relevance - will keep trying.

02-Oct-06, 18:30
Yes, I thought it was Eleanor Farjeon who wrote the words....

a good link for the Mary MacDonald story is
www.isle.of.mull.comRoss_of_Mull/marymacdonald.htm (http://www.isle.of.mull.comRoss_of_Mull/marymacdonald.htm)

If you have trouble getting through google
Mary MacDonald + Child in the manger + Mull that should do it.

Thank you for your Link Kingetter, very interesting.

02-Oct-06, 22:22
Yes, I thought it was Eleanor Farjeon who wrote the words....

a good link for the Mary MacDonald story is
www.isle.of.mull.comRoss_of_Mull/marymacdonald.htm (http://www.isle.of.mull.comRoss_of_Mull/marymacdonald.htm)

If you have trouble getting through google
Mary MacDonald + Child in the manger + Mull that should do it.

Thank you for your Link Kingetter, very interesting.

I love "Child in the Manger" as well.