View Full Version : Warehouse theft please look!!

09-Aug-11, 16:37
I know this is a long shot,but i promised my friend i would post this on every forum i'm registered on so.... this company has had almost all stock stolen....if you spot any potential bargains in bulk on ebay etc contact details are below!! http://www.waxdaddy.co.uk
Sorry, Wax Daddy warehouse stock stolen

On Sunday night sometime between the hours of 10pm and 7am approx Wax Daddys warehouse was broken into and our stock cleared out except for some small quantities of items which were in transit.
To ensure no dissapointed customers (welll dissapointed any futher than this) we have had to shut our online store while stock evaluations are carried out.
If you are offered any bulk discounted rates on brands such as POORBOYS, COLLINITE, DOOD JUICE, MEGUIARS and AUTOGLYM please let us or the police [email protected]

Thanks for your patience during this time. Wax Daddy


09-Aug-11, 16:52
i have never heard of any of this stuff so do not know what to look for what is it

09-Aug-11, 18:07
Haven't heard of that shop. Must be on the other side of the county.

09-Aug-11, 20:47
It is in england.... all top branded very expensive car care products!