View Full Version : Flower Arranging Classes - Wick

01-Aug-11, 19:04
Evening everyone!

Starting from Tuesday the 30th August and for 8 weeks, I will be running a flower arranging class in the Staxigoe Hall. 7pm - 9pm. All ages and all abilities very much welcome. Designs will have a bit of a modern twist just to add in a little bit more fun and something a little unusual.

For price and more details please contact me on 01955 606743 , Pm here here or e-mail [email protected]

Hope to see you all there! xxx

11-Aug-11, 20:25
Evening everyone.

Just to let you know I am having to push the Wick classes out a couple of Weeks. Once I have the dates re-confirmed I will let everyone know.


12-Aug-11, 06:13
I could not able to reach the number which you have provided above ! if you can could you please provide me some other number .... thanks and regards

12-Aug-11, 13:55
Hi Robin.

That is the shop number so will you only get a reply between 9am - 5pm weekdays and 9am - 3pm on Saturday. On the odd occasion I have to nip out to do deliveries but there is an answer machine where if you leave a number I will get back to you as soon as I get in.

Or if you would like to PM me here or e-mail on the given address I will reply straight back.


13-Aug-11, 09:24
New dates confirmed. Classes in Staxigoe hall will start from Tues 13th September. 7pm - 9pm.

Sorry about the date change :)
