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View Full Version : "The Great Batsby" goes AWOL in Latheronwheel!

01-Aug-11, 13:38
Beg to report absence of ancient cat "Batsby" (a Battersea Dog's Home rescue puss, hence the name), AWOL since Friday 29th July Latheronwheel. Remarkable for his resemblance to a Norwegian Forest Cat, he has a thick bogbrush tail, and walks with a very slight and opportunistic limp when anyone's watching.

Sadly, we suspect he has Catzheimers, as he seems to forget where he is from time to time. He's done an all-niter before, but now he's definitely on the late list.

He looks greyish and striped, with white dabs on face and paws. The photo is of a rather younger and sun-dappled Batsby!

Any sightings in the Latheronwheel area or beyond to (01593) 741270. Bring him back, and there'll be a banknote waved in your direction. Only if it's Batsby, though.


01-Aug-11, 17:00
Contrary Cat! Perplexing Puss! The Great Gatsby slunk home earlier this afternoon, sadly dehydrated and a lot thinner, and we are now reintroducing him to food and water. Thanks to all those who asked and helped. You may now stand down with our grateful thanks. Batsby is back in the building. 8 lives left.

01-Aug-11, 23:14
Aw I'm so glad that Batsby has returned! :)

02-Aug-11, 00:24
Thanks, Liz - yes, a happy result. He's been sitting in the bath for the last few hours, occasionally asking for a lap of the cold tap (yes, we asked the Vet - AOK.) He even managed a confused purr........

02-Aug-11, 12:37
Awful glad he's home, perplexing though the situation was I did enjoy your turn of phrase and in the face of all that worry too. Hopr he feels much better and knows where he's best off. silly boy.

06-Aug-11, 00:12
was just about to say, i went to the harbour on the 29th at 10-11pm and he was sat on the road outside th first council house on the left towards the sea... big beautyful cat.. glad he is safe and sound x

06-Aug-11, 12:03
Thanks, Liz - yes, a happy result. He's been sitting in the bath for the last few hours, occasionally asking for a lap of the cold tap (yes, we asked the Vet - AOK.) He even managed a confused purr........

I had a cat who would only drink water direct from the tap. He used to sit in the bath staring at it until I turned it on!lol

Hope Batsby has recovered? :)

11-Aug-11, 11:31
Thanks for all your kind thoughts. Sadly, we took him to Hamish the Vetin'ry who gave us the bad news - The Great Batsby had kidney failure, and was not long for the world. We took him home for one last weekend. He moved little, ate less, and slept nearly all the time. Last Monday Hamish sent him off to the great Cathalla, and he went oh so peacefully. I hope he won't come back as a traffic warden, but as Defender of the Field, Plumptious Volecatcher, Bosom Buddy, Ace Fur-Shedder, Annoying Exponent of "Following in Front" at Mealtimes, Yowler at the Outer Door, Pillow Companion With Fur From Tail Up Nose at a future date. Cats make you believe in reincatation!

He was laid to rest in his "Guard Cat" spot on the lawn, where he'll be able to keep an eye on things - including his successor, once a suitable period of mourning has been undertaken.

You did well, Old Chum. Pip pip!

The Great Batsby. 1996-2011. RIP

24-Aug-11, 05:48
It feels so happy when we see them back to the home, seriously i too had gone trough the same situation at one time... i lost my puppy for one whole day it was like a horrible day in my life ... i had searched it all the way near my home and got it no where but at last i found it right in my neighbors house playing with another one but i was like what the f--k .. i was so angry on him thought to give him some hand but looking at its innocent face i lost my anger within no minutes ! lol.. love him so much !