View Full Version : 'Waspy' thing? - id if you can please - i now have a photo!

31-Jul-11, 15:20
Ok this is the beastie we would like an ID for please?
The drawn circle underneath is round the edge of a 10p piece so you have scale.
My initial thought is still a wood wasp but i thought they were smaller

http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/281475_254400247922518_100000576340844_981843_6481 178_n.jpg

31-Jul-11, 15:54
Hello Tugmistress,

Yes this is def a Wood Wasp.

We were out workin the logs and came across a few on our batch. They are quite big right enough. Prob flown up from my garden just below u haha x

31-Jul-11, 16:11
lol anne, thank you - this one was found on the QE pier down hill, i guess it's around with all the logs coming in for the log boats.

31-Jul-11, 16:17
Are they as bad tempered and do they sting like normal wasps?

31-Jul-11, 16:33
I have no idea binnes, this one was found dead already on the pier, i hope not looking at the size of it!

31-Jul-11, 21:05
Hi, Tuggs. Def a wood wasp - take a look at that 'bad boy' egg tube at the rear! It's no big by comparison to the British Hornet... similar colouration but bigger that a 50p coin! Nice thing about those guys is that they hate ordinary wasps.