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View Full Version : Banned Subjects

29-Sep-06, 12:40
I have been pretty busy for the last week or so, and come back to find all this contreversy about thread subjects. What have you all been up to??? I don't get this, can't people just have difference of opinion? We can all discuss things and get to look at a subject from so many different viewpoints, and I think that is marvelous. We all have very different opinions about some things, and I shouldn't think that this would be a problem.
If I don't like where a thread is heading, I just stop looking at it. Then I don't get too stressed about the contents. Use some wisdom people and have some manners and we will all be able to have a great time. A few differing opinions wont hurt any one. We just all need to be respectful of each other.

29-Sep-06, 12:54
Good comment. A thread about religion was locked and the topic banned. A few orgers (myself included) made comment about the right to ban any subject from the forum. Niall (our administrator) has now set up a pole to get peoples opinions. I feel no subject should be banned, just the orgers who post inflamatory comments simply to rile others. When threads get out of hand they rightly should be locked and the appropriate action taken with people responsible for inciting the riot.
(Guess thats propably not the correct terms, don't know if you can incite a riot in cyber space)