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View Full Version : Italian restaurant opening in Wick?

18-Jul-11, 22:38
Is it true that an italian restaurant is opening in Macdonalds old bakery shop in high Street, wick, opposite Morags?

18-Jul-11, 23:19
i did hear that but dont know if its true

18-Jul-11, 23:36
It is true, I met some of the guys doing it

18-Jul-11, 23:43
ive also heard it.. but have no facts.. but if so.. good luck and hope to see it open soon! i love Italian! *winks* the foods no bad either!

19-Jul-11, 07:08
An Italian eaterie in Caithness would be lovely.

19-Jul-11, 08:46
I would be first in the queue. How lovely.:)

19-Jul-11, 16:07
I look forward to it opening - it will be a change from Chinese or Indian

19-Jul-11, 19:09
I was always brought up that Low & High Joes' were Italian, where did I go wrong?

21-Jul-11, 01:01
There is also a newspaper shop opening in Bridge Street, and the old butchers shop in high street has new windows installed, so is that opening again too. Great to see new shops opning in the town. The hardware shop looks lovely, surely the owner will get a prize during gala week, his hanging flower baskets are beautiful.

21-Jul-11, 21:00
May I also point out nice to see so many newcomers to Wick invigorating what has been for some time a very stale business environment. Perhaps this is what the town needed for decades- people who are not from an insular, closed community adding their own special magic. Good luck to you all

21-Jul-11, 23:32
SNIP Perhaps this is what the town needed for decades- people who are not from an insular, closed community adding their own special magic. Good luck to you all

Aye, that's all it's needed. Some outward looking sooth fowk, cause no-one up here has a clue. We have always been very thankful for 'special magicians' around here - especially when they can make themselves disappear.

Us being so insular that we don't know what a good shop looks like - let's see how many of them are still open in 3-5 years.

Walter Ego
22-Jul-11, 06:55
Aye, that's all it's needed. Some outward looking sooth fowk, cause no-one up here has a clue. We have always been very thankful for 'special magicians' around here - especially when they can make themselves disappear.

Us being so insular that we don't know what a good shop looks like - let's see how many of them are still open in 3-5 years.

I reckon you've just given us a shining example of the negativity that was commented upon. Happy to sneer at those who put their money where their mouth is.

I remember a piece in the Caithness Courier or the Groat at least ten years ago where the columnist was lamenting the fact that all the local private investment appears to be from those outwith the area. He/she (can't remember who it was..Omand?) observed that many new business ventures were started by people new to the area and that apart from the older established businesses, there seemed to be very little interest in starting new ventures amongst those who had resided here for many years.

22-Jul-11, 10:25
Us being so insular that we don't know what a good shop looks like - let's see how many of them are still open in 3-5 years.

They will be open then if locals can be bothered to support them. If they close it will be our fault mainly not theirs.

I am excited about the new places opening. Bridge street was looking awful a few months ago but now, it is getting better. Proper shops opening not just Charity shops as so many high streets have.

If we want Wick to thrive then it is up to us, incomes like me and oldies alikes. Does it matter who opens them, no. What matters is they are opening and trying to breath new life into a area that was looking very tired.

22-Jul-11, 21:04
Aye, but wouldn't it be great if new folk could do something WITHOUT decrying and denigrating the indigenous population.

I reckon it's this 'we'll show you' mentality that gets up people's humps. Sorepuss just couldn't hold it back - had to make a wee dig.

How to win friends and influence people... Just get on and do it instead of crowing.

Walter Ego
22-Jul-11, 21:31
Aye, but wouldn't it be great if new folk could do something WITHOUT decrying and denigrating the indigenous population.

I reckon it's this 'we'll show you' mentality that gets up people's humps. Sorepuss just couldn't hold it back - had to make a wee dig.

How to win friends and influence people... Just get on and do it instead of crowing.

I'll agree with you on that point.

There do appear to be some who move up here who believe that they have "all the answers" whilst us natives are ignorant coves who need to be shown how to run businesses/farms/clean our teeth....

But (praise the Lord), they tend to be the ones who (poopsqueak) off back down South with their tails between their legs whilst telling everyone waht a lousy bunch we are up here....[lol]

22-Jul-11, 22:48
perhaps I can clarify my earlier comment. Many of the shops we fondly recall were run by people whose families didn't follow them into the business. Think of the late Provost Mowat- whose daughters either went into teaching or the theatre, or the owner of Fairways whose daughter is a teacher as two examples.

Caithness is actually experiencing an exodus- quite a number of other owners of small businesses/companies have now retired south. Now- Caithness should welcomve anyone with a good idea who is prepared to take a riskand make it happen.

This time when I cam north, I heard far fewer 'weeker' accents- and lots of Yorkshire/Lancashire, and even some London voices. Changed days indeed- but refreshing none the less

22-Jul-11, 22:55
Anyone who opens a business in the centre of the towns to breathe some life back in the centre of the towns gets a thumbs up from me!
Walking aroung the precinct of Thurso and Wick recently (last few years) its like walking through a ghost town..not meeting the people you know and getting the crack etc...but go to big TESCOS and you meet them all!

23-Jul-11, 16:08
have been told that nothing is going into the old butchers shop just the windows were getting replaced

23-Jul-11, 16:48
how many generations do you have to be before your not an incomer?
what if you marry in?
ive been here since 1999 but i marred a wicker thats family been here since before the mists of time forgotten.. fishermen the lot of em!
hubby paid for the shop to be opened.. and is a partner in in albeit silent.. so does that make it a local shop or is it still an incomers shop?
sorry just couldnt help myself.. i know that as a business person now im not suppose to become involved with anything.. but im still just me..
and a cheeky moo at the best of times!
but it is really nice to see the new shops and will quite often pop in more now.. that im down the town.. hopefully with more shops opening that more people will come down the town.. fingers crossed anyway!

23-Jul-11, 19:15
Try this as an example. The very nice man who had Fairways (which closed 2 years ago) was here from 1971. But he was never a local, and when his wife died, nobody from Wick came to her funeral- and keep in mind he'd been a trader for over 35 years.

One of the reasons I moved south was loneliness- but I've since discovered you can be lonely in cities too

23-Jul-11, 19:37
am I correct in thinking that the Italian restaurant is being opened by the proprietors of the nice place that used to be in Hunters shop in Brora?

if so, food is fabulous

Crazy Chick
23-Jul-11, 19:49
Going back to the original thread.
I for one will be delighted if we do get an Italian here. Great to have variaty and I hope we all support it. I for one will be.

Walter Ego
23-Jul-11, 21:05
how many generations do you have to be before your not an incomer?
what if you marry in?
ive been here since 1999 but i marred a wicker thats family been here since before the mists of time forgotten.. fishermen the lot of em!
hubby paid for the shop to be opened.. and is a partner in in albeit silent.. so does that make it a local shop or is it still an incomers shop?
sorry just couldnt help myself.. i know that as a business person now im not suppose to become involved with anything.. but im still just me..
and a cheeky moo at the best of times!

I know this is 'topic drift' but to be blunt - anyone who categorises someone by where they came from (ie: "Oh, they're an incomer") should just be avoided. They tend to be banjo plucking webfeets in my experience. When I'm on business in the central belt I never hear anyone describing someone from outwith the town I am in as an 'incomer'.
One day, some people may catch up with the rest of modern Europe...but I'll not hold my breath on that one.....;)

Parochial idiocy at it's worst. Royston Vasey springs to mind every time I hear someone describe someone else as an 'Incomer'.

Back on topic:

Yes, an Italian would be nice. Bit of a drive for me, but I'd give it a go.

23-Jul-11, 22:48
Bagpuss... it is possible to be lonely in a room full of people.

By the by, I came to Caithness in 1960 as a five year old.... one of "them atomics" as we were known in school, and was referred to in the same terminology only last week... nothing changes then.

Still want an Italian restaurant, save a trip to Mamma Roma in Edinburgh for special occasions.

23-Jul-11, 23:18
.Still want an Italian restaurant, save a trip to Mamma Roma in Edinburgh for special occasions.

Poppett, there were 3 Orgers and a mini Orger in what I consider the best Italian in Edinburgh, Vittoria's tonight, beats Mamma Roma's by a mile

02-Aug-11, 11:08
Wee update - saw 6 people going into Macdonald's yesterday.

02-Aug-11, 16:53
Will try out Vittorio`s next time if it is that good.

02-Aug-11, 18:12
you are a wicker, brandy, albeit an adopted one! Good luck with the shop!

03-Aug-11, 22:53
Will try out Vittorio`s next time if it is that good.

Poppett, its Vittoria, here is the web site the one we like is Vittoria on the Walk, enjoy


04-Aug-11, 10:35
I'm surprised that their has been no announcement yet. Would they need planning permission or something. I really hope it is an Italian restaurant

04-Aug-11, 11:40
Thanks for the link Golach. The one on the walk would have been our first choice from the website, but it all looks amazing. Need an excuse to go back to Leith now!

04-Aug-11, 12:06
I've met the family who are opening it and they are really lovely people and hope it all goes very well for them.

04-Aug-11, 13:22
so is it going to be an Italian restaurant & did they say when it will open?

04-Aug-11, 13:26
I didn't ask when they're opening but it is an Italian.