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View Full Version : Knitting pattern testers needed

17-Jul-11, 22:15
Does anyone want to try the knitting pattern I'm designing? It's an all-in-one babygrow thingy with button legs, bum and front. I need test knitters... So far I've only done the newborn size though. It's plain arms and legs with some simple cables to the front. No pictures yet and the pattern will be sent bit by bit as I finish it. It is free only to the testers and as it will be copyrighted, is not for distribution. Items knitted from the pattern may be sold commercially with agreement that a donation of 10% be made to KWK9.

Any takers?

18-Jul-11, 10:52
will pm you

18-Jul-11, 11:17
Emailed you the first part of the pattern. Give me a shout if anything doesn't make sense...

20-Jul-11, 16:28
hi leanne
your inbox is full if you are still looking for knitters then would be happy to help just pm me

21-Jul-11, 11:18
I've now emptied my inbox and PMed you blondscot.

Sorry for the delay in replying - we've had visitors who have stayed for a few days which has been nice but tiring :)

21-Jul-11, 11:32
I've just PMed everyone with the first part of the pattern but my computer crashed. If anyone hasn't received it can you let me know and I'll try again.

23-Jul-11, 13:48
This is what I have knitted up myself so far. Any more interest? I have 3 testers now but would ideally like 6...

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/198672_10150322716340781_745240780_9846534_4451693 _n.jpg

12-Aug-11, 06:28
Lemme talk regarding this to my women !