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15-Jul-11, 17:30
I was thinking why don't they build a dirt bike track at the grizzly park on the land what will never be used it would be good if they could do at as there is no were for barns and people to go with there mini dirt bike and mini motos

Walter Ego
15-Jul-11, 17:50
Bilbobaggins. There is no such person or group called 'they'. You think it would be a good idea? Then get yourself organised, look for support and start talking to people.

That's how things happen.

You never know, sometime down the line you could have a fantastic area for minimotos. But until someone stands up and get things moving, then all that will happen is that people will come on here and moan about the lack of facilities.

Over to you.

15-Jul-11, 18:30
Y does every one gurn on here I just said is that a crime

Corrie 3
15-Jul-11, 18:41
Y does every one gurn on here I just said is that a crime
Bilbo, I am not being rude here but I would suggest you go and get some English lessons instead of moaning about lack of places to ride your smelly, dirty and noisy bike. I don't know how you are funding your lifestyle at the moment but with good English you will be able to find a good well paid job. Life cant be all fun you know and a good job is sound investment for the future.
Walter is right, who are "They"..please tell us!!


Walter Ego
15-Jul-11, 19:00
I give up. You're right. I'm just gurning.

Enjoy your time on here expecting everyone else to do everything for you.


15-Jul-11, 21:42
Not ma problem am dislecti and you just make fun off me and I had a job at mm millers and I got laid off am sorry Walter I just wish there was some were to go

15-Jul-11, 22:33
Never mind Walter Bilbo, he means well but he gets excitable. To be honest your just as daft as I was when I was 19 but not as daft as Ducati. That takes more time. My English wasn't very good either and I wasn't dyslexic. Walters right though even though he puts it across in an unfavourable manner.

Tilly Teckel
16-Jul-11, 00:59
There's a Caithness Motorcross Club http://www.caithnessmotox.co.uk/club-information.htm. Maybe getting involved with them and suggesting your idea would work?

Forgive me if I'm talking out of my behind - I know nothing about dirt bikes except I used to ride my boyfriend's when I was 16 and loved it; am too old now though!! :lol: