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08-Jul-11, 19:03
Has anyone got some cooking mistake stories or horror stories about their cooking? :roll::roll:

I can tell you a couple of mine ; -

I once had a wee flat in town, where I lived on my own. I decided to cook myself a roast chicken dinner, but didn't have a proper roasting tin so just put said chicken in a (very shallow!) glass pyrex casserole lid. When I went to take it out of the oven, I tipped the "lid" too far and.........WHOOOOOSH, flames met me !!!!! Thankfully I wasn't injured but the cooker and wall beside it looked a bonny shade of black/dark brown !!!

My Mum, many years ago, had her brother and his wife up for their holidays to stay with us. It was a Monday morning (washing day for my Mum) and Mum was in a wee bit of a panic; trying to get breakfast for her "guests" and get the washing done at the same time.......

Well in her haste....... when the pot of water on the stove was boiling (to make porridge) she grabbed, NO, not the porridge oats box, but......well you can guess the rest !!!! Poor Mum spent the rest of the morning cleaning up soapy-suds off the kitchen floor, cooker, walls, doors........

My last story is when I first met my husband. Trying to impress him with a lovely meal, I decided to make stuffed mushrooms. (never made them before in my life !!!) Well, no one told me the mushrooms had to be actually cooked before being stuffed.........The Outcome - He ate them anyway (AAARRGGHHHH!!!) and is still married to me to this day ! (My cooking has improved somewhat, LOL !!)

Can anyone else "top" these horror stories about cooking ? :lol:

08-Jul-11, 19:13
Well cherokee i actully burnt boiled eggs my husband cant believe that some one could burn boiled eggs but its only years of practice i some times have the odd disaster lol.

08-Jul-11, 23:42
My worst disaster with cooking was the first time I cooked rice. I wanted a big pot of rice so a big packet and filled the pot.....you can guess the rest .....I had every pot filled with the rice as it overflowed and even the kitchen sink was full. Living three flights up I could not even take it outside. lol

09-Jul-11, 00:02
Hubby cooked me plastic coated pizza when we were still stepping out.
Yesterday I was baking for a coffee morning and he "helped" me by putting jam and sponge cake mix on top of the pastry cases....worse than if Lauren was helping me....the jam overflowed and he put too much sponge mix on as he didnt know it fluffs up when it bakes...
But apart from hubs disasters I can easily stick soup to the base of the pan by ignoring it too long...but washing powder(for clothes
) left to soak in it before washing it breaks down all the burned bits and leaves no evidence of the disaster!

09-Jul-11, 02:08
Oh Jeebus H, where do I start? I'm like Colly 'lumpy-heid' Campbell's apprentice.

I now have a constant Note to Self: Cooking whilst drunk = visits from Fire Engines.

09-Jul-11, 02:24
Oh Jeebus H, where do I start? I'm like Colly 'lumpy-heid' Campbell's apprentice.

I now have a constant Note to Self: Cooking whilst drunk = visits from Fire Engines.
Lol...and there was me thinking thats why you married!!!.................ducks for cover :)