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View Full Version : Is feedin scorries illegal??

Even Chance
07-Jul-11, 14:51
Im aye seein fowk feedin scorries, and I mind hearin somewhere at it wis illegal.
I wis in Nairn recently, and they hed signs up tellin fowk no til feed em. Maybe it wis choost a local byelaw?
I canna stand e things masel, and I reckon theyre gettin more vicious lately. They chase ma cat, and theyre no feard o humans e same nowadays either.
Fit div ye think?

07-Jul-11, 14:56
I think folk that feed scorries should be tethered in the Market Square and covered in food waste and then asked how they feel about feeding scorries.

07-Jul-11, 15:02
What's a scorrie?

Even Chance
07-Jul-11, 15:09
What's a scorrie?

Sorry old boy, they're also known as seagulls in the nether regions.......;)

07-Jul-11, 15:17
Sorry old boy, they're also known as seagulls in the nether regions.......;)

Oh right, there are a lot of different seabirds I just wondered which species was called a scorrie?

07-Jul-11, 15:17
I don't think its illegal unfortunately. This is the Council's advice on it:


Corrie 3
07-Jul-11, 16:35
I know what is illegal......Schoolkids in Wick at lunchtime throwing food in front of moving cars in the hope that the Scorrie's go after it and subsequently get run over!!!!!! It makes my blood boil, no only because it is wicked and cruel but could also cause a very serious accident!!! Luckily the Scorries are much more intellegent than the kids who try to kill them.

I would like to see them all buried under a few tonne's of the white stuff.


07-Jul-11, 16:39
Sorry old boy, they're also known as seagulls in the nether regions.......

Blimmin' heck no wonder they discourage feeding 'em if 'ats where they are attacking!

07-Jul-11, 17:13
Sorry old boy, they're also known as seagulls in the nether regions.......

Blimmin' heck no wonder they discourage feeding 'em if 'ats where they are attacking!

07-Jul-11, 17:37
I know what is illegal......Schoolkids in Wick at lunchtime throwing food in front of moving cars in the hope that the Scorrie's go after it and subsequently get run over!!!!!! It makes my blood boil, no only because it is wicked and cruel but could also cause a very serious accident!!! Luckily the Scorries are much more intellegent than the kids who try to kill them.

I would like to see them all buried under a few tonne's of the white stuff.


Concrete :eek:

07-Jul-11, 17:39
Im aye seein fowk feedin scorries, and I mind hearin somewhere at it wis illegal.

As long as its not done in a public place.

07-Jul-11, 18:29
I hope it's illegal.

Otherwise it won't be any fun.

Walter Ego
07-Jul-11, 20:57
I know what is illegal......Schoolkids in Wick at lunchtime throwing food in front of moving cars in the hope that the Scorrie's go after it and subsequently get run over!!!!!! It makes my blood boil, no only because it is wicked and cruel but could also cause a very serious accident!!! Luckily the Scorries are much more intellegent than the kids who try to kill them.


Do what I do, C3.
Swerve violently to avoid the scorries and make sure you're heading for the horrible little shites.......oh, how they laugh....

I've just realised something......

...if you worked in a Post Office...

..you'd be C3PO....

(insert Darth Vader smiley here)

07-Jul-11, 22:09
I wish somebody would come and feed them at my place, so they stop eating my chicks !!!!!!
Shame it's illegal to shoot them..... (no moral discussion please, I am just frustrated, must have lost over 30 chicks in the last 4 weeks...).
What on earth are the bl**dy things doing miles and miles away from the sea ???? Never had any in the past years.

Neil Howie
07-Jul-11, 23:15
Schoolkids in Wick at lunchtime throwing food in front of moving cars in the hope that the Scorrie's go after it and subsequently get run over!!!!!

Yes I'm glad it's the school holidays as I was sick fed up of seeing kids doing this. One time I saw the car actually hit the scorrie and drag it under its wheels. It didn't kill it immediately. As much as I hate scorries I didn't think it deserved that.... [evil]

08-Jul-11, 00:11
what do you suggest throw the school kids in the road i like the scorries as they cry reminds me of happy holidays

08-Jul-11, 16:17
There's an idiot in one of those bungalows just leaving wick on the road to thurso who has started throwing out lumps of bread and now a once reasonably scorrie free area is visitied every day by dozens of them much to all the other residents annoyance as the mess they make is over everything including their washings, just an ignorant thoughtless inconciderate.......can't think of a suitable description, but just a thought, what goes round comes back to bite the B..![evil]

08-Jul-11, 17:09
There's an idiot in one of those bungalows just leaving wick on the road to thurso who has started throwing out lumps of bread and now a once reasonably scorrie free area is visitied every day by dozens of them much to all the other residents annoyance as the mess they make is over everything including their washings, just an ignorant thoughtless inconciderate.......can't think of a suitable description, but just a thought, what goes round comes back to bite the B..![evil]

Has anyone actually asked them to stop? They may just be thoughtless and blissfully unaware they are upsetting others. (and no, it's not me! ;))

09-Jul-11, 19:43
I always share my Burger King chips with them in the carpark in Inverness near the big cinema. They are very gentle and clever when taking them out of your hand when you stick it out of the car window. No one has arrested me thus far.

09-Jul-11, 21:46
It should be bliddy illegal, one of the neighbours keeps feedin em and they hang around crapping on the washing waiting t'be fed.