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28-Jun-11, 17:20
can anyone tell me who sells the best kippers for my breakfast menu around castletown please smoked :Razz

28-Jun-11, 17:28
It's not easy to get a decent kipper these days Andrew but they come smoked as standard. :lol: Mackays at the harbour in Thurso or the fish shop in the precinct.

28-Jun-11, 17:58
thanks will try them

George Brims
28-Jun-11, 18:11
Aw you people! Now I have a kipper craving. Anyone feeling charitable enough to airmail a couple to California?

28-Jun-11, 18:18
a bit smelly in the post

28-Jun-11, 22:56
In Southern Ontario we get 'Scottish' kippers and Scottish' kelp........
Check you local supermarket...you will be surprised!

29-Jun-11, 02:39
try jollys fish from orkney(sold in and around thurso)the peppered makeral was very very good so look for kippers from jollys and you should find a fine fish!

George Brims
29-Jun-11, 22:50
In Southern Ontario we get 'Scottish' kippers and Scottish' kelp........
Check you local supermarket...you will be surprised!
Oh I've tried. No luck except for some soggy product in a can, which is more to remind you what you're missing with a real kipper. Can't get anything close to an Arbroath Smokie either. Some good smoked salmon available from Alaska though.

29-Jun-11, 22:54
In Southern Ontario we get 'Scottish' kippers and Scottish' kelp........
Check you local supermarket...you will be surprised!

Sorry Sandy, nobody with any taste buys Kippers from supermarket over here, they are not properly kippered, many are just dyed, far better to buy from a reputable fishmongers

29-Jun-11, 22:58
Yes I have tried then and you could be correct......But that is all we have...boo hoo.
There are a couple of 'fishmongers' in Downtown Toronto 40 miles away, but the word Reputable is questionable!

But nothing beats sitting on the quay in Ullapool, in light drizzle, eating a fish dinner....with half a head and the tail turned up. Oh and lots of brown vinegar...
That experience lasts a lifetime!

29-Jun-11, 23:03
I can remember when Kippers were an inch thick and with some boiled tatties it was a kings feast. Herring is only half the size it was even 40years ago. Sign of the times.
Tescos in Wick do Arbroath smokies.

29-Jun-11, 23:04
sandyr1 - you need to open a wee smokehouse and make kippers

Walter Ego
30-Jun-11, 08:35
Can't remember the name of the company, but there's a fishmonger in Thurso/Scrabster that does the rounds in a van. IIRC they have decent undyed kippers and Smokies on the van. For smoked haddie (lovely for breakfast) - try these guys http://www.caithness-smokehouse.com

T (http://www.caithness-smokehouse.com/shop/default.aspx)hey may be able to point you in the direction of decent kippers too.

30-Jun-11, 11:07
can anyone tell me who sells the best kippers for my breakfast menu around castletown please smoked :RazzLong Fyne for the best, they do mail order and offer a first class service.

30-Jun-11, 18:26
Loch Fyne kippers would win my vote for mail order. Arbroath smokies can be shipped worldwide from Iain R Spink`s smokehouse.