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View Full Version : The Golden Angle

22-Sep-06, 00:00
The golden angle is quite the thing,
With all flowers showing its joy in spring.
A spiral so perfect it spoils the eye
How can they design deny?

I’ve seen a forest so full of life,
And I’ve held the hand of my beautiful wife,
I’ve touched the sand on a sunny day,
Whom should I thank for my life today?

“It happened by chance!” the smart folks spout.
“It all came together of that there’s no doubt!
There is no designer of all that you see,
Trust in our science we’ll set you free!”

I looked at their science their bombs and their guns,
And looked at the priests, the clergy and nuns,
It’s all so opposed to the world where we are,
The grass and the wind, the leaf and the flower.

The fine-tuning of life is an art of its own,
Can chance really get blood from a stone?
Can chance create all the creatures we see?
Or is there design in the wings of a bee?

The wings of a plane are based on a bird,
A draftsman gets credit for what has occurred,
But if for that plane a draftsman’s required
How can a bird be uninspired?

Beware of those who say there’s no God,
Does “luck” as creator not seem odd?
Look for yourself and open your eyes,
There’s wisdom and beauty in all of our skies.

22-Sep-06, 12:07
Liked that Saveman http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon14.gif

22-Sep-06, 13:16
Good poem Saveman but it has no chance of changing my mind about creation. The design could well have come from a computer.:lol:

22-Sep-06, 15:24
Good poem Saveman but it has no chance of changing my mind about creation. The design could well have come from a computer.

:lol: And who designed the computer? ;)

22-Sep-06, 15:42
And who designed the computer? ;)

Therein lies the problem. The possible answers are many. I would rather see a superior being rather than a God but who knows. God a PC geek would not make the believers happy. Who created the program for this virtual reality will have to remain a mystery.:roll: