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View Full Version : Walter ego's tantrum locking thread!

22-Jun-11, 14:00
[lol]This gave me a good old chuckle on what was turning out to be a very dull day!

Anyone wishing to comment on the pointlessness of me starting this thread, feel free to do so as I won't lock it....(unless I get I get VERY angry, that is...);)

Corrie 3
22-Jun-11, 14:12
This gave me a good old chuckle on what was turning out to be a very dull day!

Anyone wishing to comment on the pointlessness of me starting this thread, feel free to do so as I won't lock it....(unless I get I get VERY angry, that is...);)
I would think that Our Walter will be very pleased that you have started a thread in his honour Linnie, you never know, it might even cheer him up a bit!!!!

(but I doubt it!!)!!


22-Jun-11, 14:24
I am outraged at Walter being outraged..... :eek:

John Little
22-Jun-11, 14:25
[lol]This gave me a good old chuckle on what was turning out to be a very dull day!

Anyone wishing to comment on the pointlessness of me starting this thread, feel free to do so as I won't lock it....(unless I get I get VERY angry, that is...);)

No need - all you have to do is give red reputation to anyone who disagrees with you and then they will never discuss anything with you again anyway. :D

22-Jun-11, 14:39
He is on drugs

22-Jun-11, 14:49
He is on drugs

or perhaps he should be....

Walter Ego
22-Jun-11, 14:59
I would think that Our Walter will be very pleased that you have started a thread in his honour Linnie, you never know, it might even cheer him up a bit!!!!

(but I doubt it!!)!!


I take my misery and negativity very seriously, I'll have you know. No point in me being here if I can't pull someone to bits.

Plus I can't have you lot enjoying yourselves, God only knows what it could lead to.....

Now off and leave me alone.:Razz

22-Jun-11, 15:01
I take my misery and negativity very seriously, I'll have you know. No point in me being here if I can't pull someone to bits.

Plus I can't have you lot enjoying yourselves, God only knows what it could lead to.....

Now off and leave me alone.:Razz

You'll be lucky; we love you too much! (hehe)

Corrie 3
22-Jun-11, 15:08
No point in me being here if I can't pull someone to bits.

You are not trying to be Weezers apprentice are you Walter?


John Little
22-Jun-11, 18:30
You are not trying to be Weezers apprentice are you Walter?


It's the other way round C3. Walter is older than Weezer...

Corrie 3
22-Jun-11, 18:35
It's the other way round C3. Walter is older than Weezer...
I know that John but I think this is a case of an old dog learning from a young pup, after all, Walter doesnt know it all and is learning from someone who does !!!


22-Jun-11, 18:38
I know that John but I think this is a case of an old dog learning from a young pup, after all, Walter doesnt know it all and is learning from someone who does !!!


No..Weaser can't know it all, therealducati does. That reminds me, anyone want to buy a full set of Encyclopedia Britannica? No longer needed etc. etc....

26-Jun-11, 12:50
Thread locking seems to be a popular activity these days! ;)

26-Jun-11, 12:56
All we need on a wet Sunday. Walter Ego doing Greta Garbo impressions. "I vant to be alone".

And look what happened to her......

John Little
26-Jun-11, 13:11
All we need on a wet Sunday. Walter Ego doing Greta Garbo impressions. "I vant to be alone".

And look what happened to her......

Go on Pmcd- what did?

26-Jun-11, 13:26
She became very famous, very rich and much desired. Then she became a recluse, and was photographed in her latter years sneaking out of her small apartment to do some shopping. The first photo in decades. She died alone, and sad, and ever so slightly mad. We wouldn't want that to happen to our Walter, would we.......?

John Little
26-Jun-11, 13:28
Vell it depends.... if that's vot he vonts...

26-Jun-11, 13:32
Cool, but he'd have to learn Swedish, be moody, and grow a cleavage.......

John Little
26-Jun-11, 13:35
Well it's amazing what they can do these days.

But if he looked like Garbo I might fancy him :eek:

And Mrs L would get very cross :eek:

26-Jun-11, 13:43
The wrath of a fine lady is surely the most comprehensive obstacle to any lusting after Mr. Ego in his possible re-incarnation, or gender re-assignment, as a fading centenarian dead Swedish ex-film star.

You have chosen wisely.

Perhaps Mr Ego's desire that we should "off and leave me alone" has a darker provenance?

We should be told......

John Little
26-Jun-11, 13:50
Well she's very tolerant about a lot of things and finds my observations on the subtler charms of Joanna Lumley or Julie Etchingham rather amusing - even when I opined that the latter wrapped up for Xmas would be very welcome.

But she might draw the line at a Walter I think.

As for Mr Ego - he may be considering his transmutation into either Id or Super-Ego in which case we may all have to be very afraid....

26-Jun-11, 14:44
"Super-Ego" I can well imagine, given his writings handed down to us over a while. Rather in the manner of other "Super-" endowed creations - "Superman" comes to mind. He could wear a Superhero outfit - can you see him in a black lycra jumpsuit, with a huge "W" on his chest, and a flowing Harris Tweed cloak. (Underpants worn OVER the costume - de rigeur!)

"Is it a buzzard? Is it a crop-duster?" "

Nae, hen, it's Super-Ego, an' he's ches' landed!"

John Little
26-Jun-11, 15:19
On the other hand he could be rehearsing...


Walter Ego
27-Jun-11, 09:17
I went Super-Ego years ago......;)

You really ought to meet my cousin - Kevin Id - now he's really entertaining.

27-Jun-11, 10:07
I don't quite get the point of this thread - I couldn't see any tantrum from WE - plenty form others...

27-Jun-11, 10:13
I don't quite get the point of this thread - I couldn't see any tantrum from WE - plenty form others...
Which form is that? ;)

27-Jun-11, 20:36
I don't quite get the point of this thread - I couldn't see any tantrum from WE - plenty form others...

Hi Leanne

I started this thread in response to "Tantrum Throwing and thread locking" by Walter Ego 22 Jun 11 13:35, which I thought to be a humourous comment on "POLICE!" by William 22 Jun 11 11:08. I just found it funny:lol: Maybe I didn't have enough to do that day;)!

Anyways, POLICE! etc seems to continue in "closed thread - police overtaking" by bigk 22 Jun 11 22:19!

28-Jun-11, 10:05
I see Walter Ego has started another thread "Tantrum throwing and thread locking".
In this thread there is a link to another thread that someone has locked down.
Is this a form of bullying?why does Walter Ego feel he needs to police people who lock down threads?
Im just curious so if anyone doesnt like what i say im going to throw a tantrum and not speak to anyone for a wee whiley.

28-Jun-11, 11:33
Ooo-er! Wasn't this all just meant to be a bit of light-hearted nonsense?

Walter Ego
28-Jun-11, 15:14
Ooo-er! Wasn't this all just meant to be a bit of light-hearted nonsense?

Indeed it was, Linnie, indeed it was.

But if by highlighting the faintly ridiculous I have 'offended' some......

...then I make no apology whatsoever.

28-Jun-11, 16:31
[QUOTE=Walter Ego;864422]Indeed it was, Linnie, indeed it was.

But if by highlighting the faintly ridiculous I have 'offended' some......

...then I make no apology whatsoever.[/QUOTE

I was having a sad day but you have made me laugh. :lol::lol::lol: