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22-Jun-11, 11:08
Driving back from Inverness yesterday Coming towards Georgemas junction about 17:35 cruise control set at 60mph, looked in rear view mirror to see a white car getting closer then i realise it's a police 58 plate marked mondaeo no lights or sirens sat behind me over the bridge then over took an drove off! i flasshed my lights 3 times as this really p*ssed me off they never took any notice so put my foot down to catch them they were turning wick way an me thurso pulled up next to them an tried to get there attention an they drove off.

Why do the get away with speeding?
if that had been me i'd be writing this now with a fine and points

1 rule for us an one for them Not IMPRESSED!

Corrie 3
22-Jun-11, 11:29
Err!! Why were you so peed off at them overtaking you William ?.....If they were on their way to help a member of your Family then you would have wanted for them to get there as quickly as possible woudn't you?
Get over it Man!!


22-Jun-11, 11:32
No Lights or Sirens!! if there off to help people fair enough but they clearly weren't

22-Jun-11, 11:35
Driving back from Inverness yesterday Coming towards Georgemas junction about 17:35 cruise control set at 60mph, looked in rear view mirror to see a white car getting closer then i realise it's a police 58 plate marked mondaeo no lights or sirens sat behind me over the bridge then over took an drove off! i flasshed my lights 3 times as this really p*ssed me off they never took any notice so put my foot down to catch them they were turning wick way an me thurso pulled up next to them an tried to get there attention an they drove off.

Why do the get away with speeding?
if that had been me i'd be writing this now with a fine and points

1 rule for us an one for them Not IMPRESSED!

So let's get this straight:

You broke the speed limit to catch them up, yet you complain that they got away with it and you would have been done for it.

Evidently, you got away with it too.


22-Jun-11, 11:37
Jesus just forget it let the Police get away with everything there a joke!!!!

22-Jun-11, 11:37
Of course there is one rule for 'them' and one for 'us'. As Corrie 3 says I'd want the emergency services to get to any incident as quickly and safely as possible and emergency vehicles are exempt under the Road Traffic Act if they are on official duty.

In fact your probably lucky they were busy or they might have pulled you over for erratic behaviour!