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17-Jun-11, 11:24
This: taken from Doanalsin's Diary

A DOUNREAY contractor is facing a massive bill after being found liable to pay redundancy to 16 former long-serving shift workers. The ruling against Nuvia Ltd follows a hearing into a dispute, over the termination of their employment at the site at the end of May, last year. The Unite union which represented the men at an industrial tribunal has welcomed the outcome, though anticipates an appeal being lodged. Cheshire-based Nuvia maintained it had no responsibility for the workers after the end of its safety surveillance contract at Dounreay’s protype fast reactor. Back by their union, the workers, most of whom had spend their working life at Dounreay, claimed they should have been taken on by site operator DSRL. Nuvia sought to establish that, at least some of the roles carried out by the workers continued after they had left. DSRL denied this was the case, and insisted the transfer-of-employment right should not apply. In the newly-issued findings of the tribunal which met in Wick last November, Nuvia has been found liable to foot the redundancy cost of the six supervisors and 10 operatives.

How much longer are they going to make these poor lads suffer. Its been over a year since they were (not) paid off, and a year earlier than that, that they were first given their redundancy notices.

Think its about time they were paid out now, instead of being dragged through an appeal that could last for gowd knows how long.

Come on Nuvia, do the right thing and pay them all they are owed.

17-Jun-11, 11:38
This: taken from Doanalsin's Diary

How much longer are they going to make these poor lads suffer. Its been over a year since they were (not) paid off, and a year earlier than that, that they were first given their redundancy notices.

Think its about time they were paid out now, instead of being dragged through an appeal that could last for gowd knows how long.

Come on Nuvia, do the right thing and pay them all they are owed.

Your quite correct. There are just too many companies around like Nuvia who try to avoid their responsibilities to workers and use every loophole they can find to this end. Nuvia should do the right thing and pay up - they are both leagally and even more importantly morally responsible for those workers redundancy money.

17-Jun-11, 13:05
Come on Nuvia, get your finger out and pay these workers their just rights.