View Full Version : council bathrooms

11-Jun-11, 20:17
Hi, can anyone tell me who I should contact to get something done about my council house bathroom?
I have phoned the service point on several occasions and been told someone will call me back but no one ever does.
I am sure my bathroom is below acceptable levels and even if I had to pay the council to get it done up I would ( If I could afford to) but can't get anyone out to tell me so would appreciate a name or department to call please?

11-Jun-11, 21:01
If you have any queries about housing, you can write or phone:
Housing and Property Services, Rotterdam Street, Thurso, KW14 8AB, telephone 01847 805505, fax 01847 805508

The North Area Housing and Property Manager is Tina Luxton.

She is principally based at:
Housing and Property Services, Drummuie, Golspie, KW10 6QN, telephone 01408 635386, fax 01408634041. '...

failing that, contact someone on here to get things moving ...


good luck, hope you get things sorted ... :)

11-Jun-11, 22:47
If you write a letter - then they cannot say they have not received it - you should then get an answer, if you do not get an answer contact your councillor and ask them in writing to help you.

11-Jun-11, 22:59
if all else fails you can contact your MP.

We were told in December 06 our bathroom was due for an upgrade very soon. We couldn`t wait and bought a discontinued suite from B and Q in the boxing day sale and had it installed.

The bathroom suite upgrade took place six weeks ago. So glad we didn`t wait.

12-Jun-11, 19:53
Quite a few years ago (20 to be exact - LOL !) I rented a council flat premise in Wick.
The actual bath, around the plug-hole was rusty and the whole (tiny, one-bedroom) flat had dark brown paint on every surface of skirting boards, cupboard doors and window facings !!

When I complained to the Council, their attitude was along the lines of "tough luck" :eek: !!

Nah [evil]........I wouldn't have this.... so I complained profusely and demanded that a "Senior Manager" meet me at the said flat.

Once I'd "shown" him around the flat (also making a huge point about the rusty plug-hole in the bath, and questioning him as to whether he'd have a wash in it ???)
I was given £60 towards decorating and also a brand new bath !!!!!

It really does pay to stand your ground, argue your point and demand what you are entitled to !!! ;)

Good Luck Vectus !

12-Jun-11, 23:20
my kitchen and bathroom are the same and i can get nothing done about them so good luck x

13-Jun-11, 02:10
Another one to say good luck! We are HA rather than council, but our bathroom suite is the original one from when the houses were built, bath rusty/chipped etc, pipes eroding under the sink, toilet bowl cracked.... has been like this since we moved in April 2010 and reported it then - told to wait and see!

13-Jun-11, 12:52
Try [email protected] I quite often send an email query and it's dealt with quickly. Let them know that you've contacted the council several times and they have failed to deal with your request.

Don't get your hopes up though....the council agreed to give me a new kitchen and they went ahead and got contractors in to do an asbestos survey and an architect in to draw up the design - even picked the colour of my cabinets aand worktops, 1 year later I still have duck tape covered holes in my kitchen because they are yet to find a suitable contractor to carry out the installation! Have contacted them numerous times to see what they are going to do about it and the last response was that several people are in the same position as me so they'll get to it when they can....probably in another years time

Walter Ego
13-Jun-11, 20:05
Rent privately if you're not happy.