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18-Sep-06, 23:08
Did anyone else see this programme tonight????
I watched it with an open mind - honestly! lol - after all if it helps keep weirdos off the street then it can only be good thing.
But seriously, did anyone find it sad and disturbing that these men can only manage to form relationships with inanimate objects? The whole thing had me in bits.
The guy that was saying he can't get a girlfriend cos of his skin and his teeth! My god man there was nothing wrong with them, it was more likely his obsession with guns and 7ft long swords on top of his obsession with dolls that was the problem. :lol:
Anyone else notice the similarity in their needs to hang on to objects as well? Hoarding almost! And most of them seemed to have an unhealthy childlike grip to their mothers - dead or alive, one even had the bedroom of his late mother in a kind of shrine and went so far as to leave himself notes attached to the bin not to empty it or put anything in it.

And ladies, did you see the makeup those guys put on their dolls? Good grief, they'd had them so long you'd think they'd at least of got the hang of it!!!!

Watching the part where the dolls go for repairs was hilarious to say the least - guess what part was mostly commonly in need of repair!!!! Yuk! What a job.
Mind you they have to keep them clean. One man informed us that his doll was starting to smell of fish and proceeded to shove a bottle brush up those bits that are in constant need of repair - I kid you not, a bottle brush.

It could only be men!!!!!!!! :lol:

18-Sep-06, 23:14
I watched some of it. [disgust] I suppose it takes all sorts but it just didn't seem right at all lol. Glad I missed the bit with the bottle brush though.
I'm off now to sell my pubes on Ebay lol!! :eek:

18-Sep-06, 23:15
Yes, we just watched it, I too thought it was weird, that last chap introduced his girlfriend to 2 of his 8 dolls on his birthday and they sat at the table eating birthday food and the 2 dolls were sat at the table with them wearing party hats! The girlfriend said she was fine about it all but a week afterwards she ended their relationship.

18-Sep-06, 23:21
I didn't know whether to laugh due ti its absurdness or laugh at it being so funny - so I just laughed! :lol:

But how sad that these guys can only form relationships with these dolls.
They really saw them as human almost didn't they! They put them to bed and woke them up, even spoke to them and changed theose digusting tongues. Yuk!
One bloke even made family photographs - what the hang is that all about! :eek:

18-Sep-06, 23:27
Don't forget the one where he changed her face to a sleeping model, he said something about she was "sleeping it off" as he walked into the bedroom, and that guy who repairs them, admitted he'd had sex with a few of them and it was amazing? Just hope he cleaned them out first with his bottle brush.

18-Sep-06, 23:30
Just hope he cleaned them out first with his bottle brush.
And twa squirts of Cilit Bang.. :eek:

18-Sep-06, 23:52
And twa squirts of Cilit Bang.. :eek:
There's a joke there, but I'm not going to make it. :lol:

19-Sep-06, 09:04
The one that had me in fits was the American guy who said he didn't dress his dolls in thongs and high heels as that was weird!

19-Sep-06, 09:50
I only watched some of it as it was on after the very interesting program of 'the boy who lived before'
As well as being weird, imagin having the neck to admit your sick, sad life on national television!

19-Sep-06, 10:08
I didnt watch the program. the wife did and she shouted me through to see a bit but I came back through to the computer after about 2 minutes. Strange chaps I would of thought the peope who had them would hide them away in a cupboard or under the bed. Not actually dress them up and put makeup on!! Thats the weirdest bit I think :eek: After all everyone has urges or needs and it is good that they are relieving those needs in a safe way. But at the end of the day I think guys obviosly are unable to develop proper relationships with real people and need to get companionship as weel as relief. Nothing really surprises me any more.

19-Sep-06, 11:31
I'm vexed I missed it. I got a magazine the other day and one of the articles was about a guy who married one of his dolls. It is weird but makes you wonder what else they are capable of. Makes me wonder what does get hidden away it would have to be something awful if these people think what they are doing is normal.

19-Sep-06, 11:40
The one that had me in fits was the American guy who said he didn't dress his dolls in thongs and high heels as that was weird!

:lol: I know that was a corker wasn't it!

Wish I'd been the person to see the niche in the market for these dolls though, at four grand a pop I bet he's doing quite well for himself!

Had to laugh when my husband popped in half way through and asked why the bloke was sending her off for repairs, why not just get a new one? Should have seen his face when I explained that these men actually love these dolls as real people, and then when the bloke started kissing it and talking to it as he loaded her into the crate - that was juat a cracker - I'll never forget the look of horror and disbelief on hubbys face. [lol]

19-Sep-06, 11:45
Knew there was something i wanted to watch last nite but for the life of me i couldnt mind. gutted i missed it.

19-Sep-06, 18:05
It was wierd!!!
A few years ago a pupil on a kite course said he was a pathologist with one of our police forces and he told me a story of a badly decomposed man lying next to a freshly dead young woman that turned out to be a real doll. - True story!
I did find it very disturbing last night as they look like dead people and the fact they are all based on teenage like bodies was even more disturbing.
It wasn`t the feeling of "well at least they are using that" it was more what are they going to go onto next!

I was just begging the camera man to hide millions of crying baby dolls in their houses set for late at night LOLOLOL MMMMWWWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

percy toboggan
19-Sep-06, 18:16
I watched the first ten minutes. My, them dolls have come a long way since Dell boys self inflating version in the back of the Reliant.

Still not a good idea though in my book. They are for the lonely and the very sad, and for the unimaginative. Yet if they bring them comfort then all well and good.

The first 'user' was so very strange I turned it off before I induced a nightmare. My dreams lately have been quite strange enough.

19-Sep-06, 18:57
I also saw the programme and was so fasinated by it I could not stop watching it although hubbie only lasted 5 minutes. I cannot beleive how many men get so attached to these dolls, OK the faces looked real but they hardly had real bodies!!
The American one who introduced his dolls to his girlfriend was bizaar especailly as he had so many of his dolls just dumped in the garage when he had finished with them, or it cost too much to fix.
If it is such a big business someone needs to give make-up lessons to the guys.
Would love to know where they get the wigs for them from though!!

percy toboggan
19-Sep-06, 19:11
just a thought...do they come with a puncture outfit?

19-Sep-06, 19:31
Rule #1 of appearing on oddball TV doc and just using your first name - don't wear a T-shirt with your full name on the back....:D

19-Sep-06, 19:32
Rule #1 of appearing on oddball TV doc and just using your first name - don't wear a T-shirt with your full name on the back....:DOOOOh, did you google him? :eek:

19-Sep-06, 20:20
haahaha, I thought it was a thread about the musical!!!!:lol:

never heard anything about it, what channel was it on as it might be repeated if BBC or ITV???

19-Sep-06, 20:26
It was channel 5, after the boy who lived before (which was equally good).
I hope it is repeated, I spent so much time in fits of laughter this time round that I'm sure I missed some.
What was the name of that guy then? I wanna google him now! :lol:

Percy - no puncture repair required - just a good old bottle brush. :eek: Have to give em a good old clean you see - like one guy said, when she first arrived it was just sex sex sex. lol

19-Sep-06, 20:35
Trust me when you have watched a guy use a bottle brush on the dolls in that intimate area there is nothing musical about it!!!
I wonder how many more there are out there??

19-Sep-06, 20:42
Just done a search on google for Guys & Dolls on Channel 5 - amazing how many other forums have it on.
Very funny to read the comments - amazing how many men seem to think there is nothing wrong with it....

19-Sep-06, 20:48
Hey, didn't someone on the org have a Birthday Party and married a doll or something? :eek:

19-Sep-06, 20:53
Just done a search on google for Guys & Dolls on Channel 5 - amazing how many other forums have it on.
Very funny to read the comments - amazing how many men seem to think there is nothing wrong with it....
:eek: Did you see Charlie, the male doll? lol

19-Sep-06, 21:01
Eeek was charlie for a man or a woman. Can dolls have a ac/dc role?

19-Sep-06, 21:06
Eeek was charlie for a man or a woman. Can dolls have a ac/dc role?He's custom made to order lol?

19-Sep-06, 21:10
What does charlie do sit in front of the tv with a beer while mrs doll runs around doing the washing up and hoovering :lol:

19-Sep-06, 21:13
wot ??????????????

19-Sep-06, 21:17
;) Just my attempt at a sexist joke

19-Sep-06, 21:19
What does charlie do sit in front of the tv with a beer while mrs doll runs around doing the washing up and hoovering :lol:
Nearly right, Charlies sitting on the couch but it's not a beer in his hand. [disgust]

20-Sep-06, 14:16
This is so funny!


High Maintenance indeed....
I love the bit about the eyelashes!!

20-Sep-06, 14:33
O my god, they have a half torso advertised too! Thats even sicker lol.
It's bad enough these guys having a relationship with dolls but at least they have a head and limbs, the half torso has nothing............except the necessary parts of course. :eek:

20-Sep-06, 17:05
:lol: Tightening the jaw can be done with a philips screwdriver lol..

20-Sep-06, 18:26
O my god, they have a half torso advertised too! Thats even sicker lol.
It's bad enough these guys having a relationship with dolls but at least they have a head and limbs, the half torso has nothing............except the necessary parts of course. :eek:

Don't see anything written anywhere about male dolls.
Amazing what men will come up with.

20-Sep-06, 18:26
wot about the surgery section

20-Sep-06, 18:39
Don't see anything written anywhere about male dolls.
Amazing what men will come up with.
lol, it's not just men who have these dolls. Some couples have them too, to enhance their sex lives seemingly. :eek:

Billy Boy
20-Sep-06, 18:52
lol, it's not just men who have these dolls. Some couples have them too, to enhance their sex lives seemingly. :eek:

lol now that would be sight for sore eye's:eek:

20-Sep-06, 21:33
Blimey I didn't realise they were real dolls as in moving arms and legs and things I thought they were inflatable things. Imagine taking one of them to the garage forecourt to pump up :evil

10-Oct-06, 22:27
LOL, this is on again tonight if anyones interested. Channel 5 at 11pm. :eek:

10-Oct-06, 23:09
its on channel 5 right now lol bunch of freaks

10-Oct-06, 23:33
OMG...........'nuff said!!!!
For once in my life I'm speechless!!!

Bet my husband's glad about that!;)

16-Feb-07, 23:47
Sorry to drag this old thread up but for anyone who missed this it's repeated tonight on Channel 5 at 11pm, enjoy lol. :eek: :lol: