View Full Version : How old is your Mother?

John Rosie
29-Oct-04, 19:38
How old is your Mother?

Or your Father or your Granny or your Granddad?

If they are from the Wick area and are 65 or thereabouts their photo might be in some recently added photos in the Caithness.org school photos section.

Have a look yourself and get your parents/grandparents to do it too?

If you or your parents can fill in the missing names or would like to contact me you can email me at [email protected] or through this message board.



29-Oct-04, 22:31
Don't know if she's in any photos but my mother is in her eighties and is still as sharp as a tack. She can remember really interesting stuff about Wick during the war, fishing and farming as it used to be, details like when shops opened and closed and who owned them, who the local characters were etc etc. I can't persuade her to write things down or even record it on tape. I wish I could though as it would be fascinating. I took her once to the Heritage Centre and she rabbitted on about nearly every item. I turned around and realised there was a group of tourists following us, hanging on her every word. I reckon she could single handedly boost tourism to Wick if we out her on video!!!

John Rosie
30-Oct-04, 19:01
Hi Kitkat

If your mother is in her eighties she won't be in the photos - on the other hand you might :D

Don't give up on getting your Mum to record in writing/on tape. Once she goes all those wonderful reminiscences will be gone. I have been there too with my parents and with my wife's parents although in our case we did not get round to asking them. We have regretted it ever since.

How about getting Ian Sutherland or one of his lieutenants from the Heritage having a word with her - they are used to persuading people to relax and tell all!! Hillhead Primary School also have a reputation for getting info about the old days.

Don't give up - you will regret it.

I take it you did not recognise anyone in the photos?

John Rosie