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15-Sep-06, 16:48
Would you believe it?


15-Sep-06, 16:54
I think this is a disgrace on 2 points:

1. kids should not be encouraged to eat unhealthily by their parents - they are encouraging them to disobey rules

2. Kids should not be locked like cage animals within school grounds.

15-Sep-06, 16:56
if the parents & kids dont agree with the school dinners why cant they just give them healthy packed lunches.
some folk are just plain looney tunes[disgust]

15-Sep-06, 17:12
if the parents & kids dont agree with the school dinners why cant they just give them healthy packed lunches.
some folk are just plain looney tunes[disgust]

Totally agree ! jan x

15-Sep-06, 18:15
I think this is a disgrace on 2 points:

1. kids should not be encouraged to eat unhealthily by their parents - they are encouraging them to disobey rules

2. Kids should not be locked like cage animals within school grounds.

I agree that parents should not be encoraging unhealthy eating habits, if they don't like what the school is offering they should pack their kids a healthy lunch or have them come home. I can't imagine ever getting my kids a fish supper for their lunch.

I disagree that they are locked in the school grounds like caged animals. This is probably a safety issue. The gates are most likely locked for the personal safety and security of the kids. Also in my experience, school grounds are usually a fairly good size where kids can walk, run, play etc.

15-Sep-06, 19:07
1. kids should not be encouraged to eat unhealthily by their parents - they are encouraging them to disobey rules


2. Kids should not be locked like cage animals within school grounds.

Oh yes they should. From S1 to S6. The amount of litter they generate as they walk up the street with their fish suppers, Mars Bars and cans of fizzy sugar is reason enough on its own. I get so sick of watching the little brutes swan round, hurling obscenties at each other at the tops of their voices, throwing litter, smearing their polystyrene chip trays on windows and generally being antisocial nuisances, that I'd shut the lot in school. It'd save the Council a fortune.

Couple of years ago, I was walking up Laing Street in Kirkwall; three KGS pupils in front of me. All aged about 14. One finished a Mars bar and threw the wrapper. I said "Excuse me - would you mind picking that up and putting it in the bin?" (bin being about 8 feet away). I really did say it politely, too. Kid didn't bat an eyelid - just told me to - well, the second word was "off" and the first involved a very unlikely anatomical manouevre.

What do you do? Can't hit them. Can't get their names. Can't find police or the street marshalls the Council pays to walk the streets. Can't even photograph the little swine these days in case someone thinks you're a paedophile. They're over-protected, have too many rights, and not enough responsibilities.

15-Sep-06, 19:41
just to add
until i came over here i had never heard of kids going off grounds for lunch.
it has never made any sence to me.
for example. no one but a childs parents or someone nominated in writing and on the schools list can pick a child up.. or even come into the school.
any visitors must go straight to the office and sign in..
yet at lunch time they ( the children) are allowed to leave and go where they please on their own..
kinda seems a very double standard on saftey issues...
when i was in school primary children we never allowed out side school grounds until a parent or guardian picked them up..
and if it was early had to go to the office.. and sign children out.
when you hit 11th grade.. you were allowed off campus at lunch time if you drove.
and you had to have a pass.. that you would get with your parking pass.
also allowed we work experiance.. from 11th grade. where you could drop your lass two periods a day.. and earn credit by working part time.. as work experiance.
but you had to have enough credits to pass all your needed courses before you could sign up to this program.
if students do not want the food in school.. the menu is printed in advance .. they can just bring a pack lunch.. lucky the parents havent had the police called on them .. *laughs*

15-Sep-06, 19:46
Kids should not be locked like cage animals within school grounds.

Sorry I disagree, you see them here hanging about every street corner in the local of which ever school, being disruptive, throwing litter, and being in general just hooligans, ........but not my Grandaughters of course [lol]

16-Sep-06, 11:37
Should not be locked up like caged animals??? How can you compare school grounds to an animals cage???? That is just plain stupid.

While in school hours the school is responsible for those children, and so SHOULD keep them in. Within school hours they should only be allowed to leave the ground accompanied by a guardian or other responsible adult.

As for the food: the only healthy meal those children would potencially be getting is being compromised by ignorant parents. I'm at a loss for words to describe the idiocy portrayed here because swearing does not come naturally to me, nor is it even allowed on these boards. I wonder why how you feed a child cannot be considered neglect or even cruelty, worthy of intervention by social services. Oh, I know why.... because the processed food companies wouldn't like it and the only way to make a wholesome meal is to buy expensive unprocessed ingredients, as opposed to dirt-cheap-processed-beyond-recognition-open-and-eat-food.