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14-May-11, 20:32
So, who's tuned in? Wine in hand so roll on the euro-trash-pop! I love watching this - guaranteed laughs!

14-May-11, 21:06
Can't/won't watch it. Can't stand being sick.

14-May-11, 21:16
Just LOVED Moldova - so lucky


14-May-11, 21:19
Total awfulness would rather have a frontal lobotomy!!!

14-May-11, 21:20
who won not jedward i hope

John Little
14-May-11, 21:21
Please somebody help me... my wife's just put it on - Roumania is blasting out at me with some bloke from County Durham...

14-May-11, 21:22
Moldova - crazy hats LOL! My fella wants to vote for them! No chance lol!

Germany..... were a bit too british weren't they? Afterall, she looked like Cheryl Cole, but sounded more like Kate Nash???? Nuts! LOL!

Romanie = pure cheese! LOL! Cute smile tho!

15-May-11, 12:39
Where else are we going to see singing gnomes lmao. Watched it from about the 12th song in. Thought Blue were bit off key to start but picked it up midway, cringed at the 10ft pictures of each of them though lol.
Bet Blue never imagined being beaten by Jedward. lmao. So funny!
Some of the snippets I saw of the first feww looked pretty good but I wanted Iceland to win, loved that song!

Still political voting though I see!

15-May-11, 13:41
I knew as I was watching Moldova that they slightly reminded me of something in the shadowy region known as the past deep inside my brain, it turns out it was this:


Note the early attempt at the pointy hats, and also the first recorded appearance of Jedward anywhere in the world!

15-May-11, 16:38
The Eurovision Song Contest is awful, but it's essential viewing, just to see how wacky our European neighbours are. Moldova's entry was hilarious, it was like giant gnomes came alive and went mental, and many other entries had the cheese-factor turned up to 12 on a scale of 1 to 10. It ceased to be a "Song" contest a long time ago, and once you accept that, you can enjoy it for the Cheese-Fest that it is :)

15-May-11, 21:42
I have never watched the "Eurovision Song Contest".......but, entirely because of this thread..........please tell me who won ? :confused:roll::lol:

15-May-11, 23:35
Aaaaaahhh they don't write songs like they use to. The last great winner of the Eurovision song contest was Vicky Leandros who sang 'Apres Toi' for Luxemburg in 1972. That was a song worth listening to.

16-May-11, 16:46
eurovision is just an epic LOL musical/comedy now, with outrageous scantily clad women in almost every act.. .( unless you are Irish...:roll:)

the last 'normal' song I recall was rock and roll kids... also a quality song.

google it. :)