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08-May-11, 16:20
I find it disgusting that plastic pollution from fishing and possibly domestic waste has been found in the stomachs of shellfish that we eat.

Makes you think that we should be more careful of what we throw away and the value of recycling.


08-May-11, 20:54
It's not only in their stomachs. The plastic waste in the sea from early on is now so fine it is in the fish's tissues. Which we eat. Which ends up in our tissues.

Walter Ego
08-May-11, 22:05
Does that mean that when I'm buried I'll not decompose for 500 years?:confused

08-May-11, 22:08
I like shellfish but if I was to worry about what they eat I may get heartburn.

09-May-11, 12:54
Oh I hate litter from whatever source it comes!!!

Went for a walk to the beach the other day and someone had had a picnic and left behind crisp bags, sandwich boxes, drinking cans etc!!![evil]

I have a bad back and arthritis but couldn't bare to see all this so went and picked it all up and took it to the rubbish bin which was only about 20 yards away!!!

Not only is it unsightly but a real danger to animals and marine life.

09-May-11, 22:40
I like shellfish but if I was to worry about what they eat I may get heartburn.
Ahm sure yer stomag hes been weel tested before.

As an aside -
People like Cod as its white flesh, but what they live on as bottom feeders....
and the worms in their flesh....

10-May-11, 17:56
Shocking, they should only eat organic foods, do they know Marks and Spencers has a great range.

10-May-11, 18:02
After leaving New York Harbour in a sailboat, en route to Bermuda and the Azores, the chart showed a 'dumping ground'. As we approached the area approx 30 miles East we spied a Barge......1000 feet long and 800 feet wide. Two Cats on the deck pushing garbage(refuse) overboard which stood over 30 feet high.
Official dumping ground! Many large coastal Cities have them.....And the beautiful Ocean was not so beautiful any more/ great difficulty getting thru it.

Then arriving at the Island of Bermuda we 'hove to' approx 10 miles offshore, to allow 2 large cruise ships to exit the St Georges Town Cut . As they left the Island they discharged thousands of gallons of 'sewage' into the beautiful Ocean. So now we had the refuse plus the smell!

And in the deepest parts of the Ocean, certain Countries are sinking their Nuke ships/subs etc etc......'Tis a very sad day, and we are all part of it!

10-May-11, 23:02
I thought a lot of New York Harbour areas were literally built on rubbish. Marshes and swamplands that provided a convenient way to both get rid of rubbish and reclaim land.

11-May-11, 04:24
Yes you are correct. In latter years it is much harder to 'dump' non clean fill into waterways and the Ocean.
New York and other Cities passed laws that allow this indiscrimitive dumping of waste into the Ocean. The idea is that it is supposed to sink to the bottom, but how does paper bales and light plastics sink!!
They say that garbage from Japan has already been found on the West coast of the United States.

11-May-11, 11:26
How shellfish of them to eat plastic as well as they're basic diet.

11-May-11, 16:07
Well, if 80% of all shellfish choose to eat plastic - then it must be good enough for me, too! They can't all be wrong.

Pass me that binbag, will ya?