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11-Sep-06, 20:50
I read in a book once ( I think by Lord Horne of Stirkoke ) about some local worthies who were competing to see who was able to tell the bigest lie !
There was one in particular that I recall and it went like this :
" Ah wis cycling oot aye sooth rod wan day passan Sannie Stewart's ferm. It was a VERY frosty day and Sanny wis in aye field dockan neeps way his loon. It wis so frosty ma hauns wir stickan till aye handlebars. Sanny shouted top o'aye morning till ye Willie as he waved his sikle in aye air, but as his haun came doon he docked aye hed off his Son. I jumped our aye fence an grabed aye loon's hed and stuck it back on. Well dive ye ken iss....aye loon was none the worse and got on way his neep dockin. Half-yoking time wisna far off so Sanny invited me intil aye hoose for a flour scone and a choog o' tea. Efter a few meenits aye loon came in an hay went up till aye fire till warm his haunds. As he was dooin iss a dreep came on his nose and he put his haun up and threw his hed in aye fire" !!! :lol:

11-Sep-06, 21:27
Do you know what the book was called would be interested to find out

12-Sep-06, 08:12
Afraid not.............gave it to my Mother-in Law for a read on her way
back to Edinburgh and while she was phoning for a taxi at Waverley Station her carrier bag was stolen ! and the book was inside. However I'll have a guess..... Something along the lines Tales from Caithness perhaps.

12-Sep-06, 21:36
I read in a book once ( I think by Lord Horne of Stirkoke ) about some local worthies who were competing to see who was able to tell the bigest lie !
There was one in particular that I recall and it went like this :
" Ah wis cycling oot aye sooth rod wan day passan Sannie Stewart's ferm. It was a VERY frosty day and Sanny wis in aye field dockan neeps way his loon. It wis so frosty ma hauns wir stickan till aye handlebars. Sanny shouted top o'aye morning till ye Willie as he waved his sikle in aye air, but as his haun came doon he docked aye hed off his Son. I jumped our aye fence an grabed aye loon's hed and stuck it back on. Well dive ye ken iss....aye loon was none the worse and got on way his neep dockin. Half-yoking time wisna far off so Sanny invited me intil aye hoose for a flour scone and a choog o' tea. Efter a few meenits aye loon came in an hay went up till aye fire till warm his haunds. As he was dooin iss a dreep came on his nose and he put his haun up and threw his hed in aye fire" !!! :lol: aye & here is a bigger lie, i was there and saw it all myself

12-Sep-06, 21:40
aye & here is a bigger lie, i was there and saw it all myself

I was that son...

12-Sep-06, 21:40
aye i saw it all as i was thre also.[lol] that lie beats the first one :lol:

12-Sep-06, 22:37
From the same book. The liar started " I was sailing in wur boat on wan side o' a west coast peninsula, aye Skipper wanted us till take aye boat up one side o'aye peninsula and doon aye ither, where there was lots of fish to be caught. The Skipper remarked how unfortunate that we had to sail the length of the peninsula to get to the other side, when it was only half a mile across the land mass. I told him to go aft an hev his breakfast and by the time he was feenished I'd have her over there in a jiffy. Well when he went below I smaggered aye deck way tar and threw a handful of herring intilhid. Weel maun a whole lot O' houngry 'Scorries came doon on aye fish and when a clapped ma hauns and said shoo....they all took off again
flappin their wings as hard as they were fit until they lifted aye boat clean oot o'aye water and dropped her on aye ither side" !!