View Full Version : Suggestions on the way forward please

11-Sep-06, 14:51
I have been trying to trace my ggggrandfather James Ferguson (Farquharson). Despite having his marriage cert and his childrens birth and death certs I am no further forward. I can find no trace of him on 1841> census.
The only details I have is when he married his cert states Bilbester (1816 - to Catherine Horne) and his childrens death certs state he was a carting contractor.
There are, of course, a lot of James Fergusons on scotlands people and family search but none born approx 1795 Caithness.
I have tried, with your help, to go sideways but no success.

So should I join a fhs and would they be able to go any further considering the limited details I have?
How do I know which James is mine when I have no idea of where he originated if not Caithness?

I am now getting desperate for suggestions as I hate to think this is the end of the trail.:~(

Thank you

14-Sep-06, 12:25

I researched the details and found James Farquharson married Catharine Horne

Marriage: 09 AUG 1816 Wick, Caithness, Scotland
