View Full Version : Reading Group - Book 2

06-May-11, 11:57
Suggestions for our second book folks?! Sorry this took a while, but the best things are worth waiting for! Fun times ahead for sure! :D

The booklist we chose from last time:


We chose one from the first 3, so perhaps we want to choose from the next 3? I'm open to any alternative suggestions:

4. 'Three Cups of Tea' by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin

5. 'Memoirs of a Geisha' by Arthur Golden

6. 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time' by Mark Haddon

06-May-11, 12:20
i've always wanted to read Memoirs of a Geisha. I will however read anything! :)

06-May-11, 12:31

This one also sounds good, I shouldn't start looking at books . . I just want to buy them all :) I already have a library starting in the house :)

06-May-11, 13:42
I have read "Memoirs of a Geisha" and would be happy to re-read this. Have more recently read the "The Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" which was also an excellent read.

"3 Cups of Tea" is on my to do list, and that one "Sleep" sounds pretty good too.

Oh decisions decisions! HA HA! I love books, and like yourself, I tend to buy more than I have time to read! :lol:

Tilly Teckel
06-May-11, 13:58
I love 'The Dog in the Night-time', started 'Memoirs of a Geisha' but couldn't get into it, and 'Before I go to Sleep' is the next book I planned to buy. My choice would be 'Before I go to Sleep' but I'd read any of them.

06-May-11, 15:56
o.k, I really can't decide! they all sound very good to me :-\ Why don't we read one this time and the other next?

10-May-11, 12:54
"Before I Go to Sleep" - S J Watson. Everyone seems happy to read this so let's give it a whirl!

Is it ok to give ourselves until end July to read this folks?

10-May-11, 14:56
Sounds good to me!

11-May-11, 18:19


£7.79 from amazon, hardback.

I know hardbacks are more expensive than paperbacks, so for those who would rather wait and buy the paperback version, I think it should be available by about mid June, which would allow you a couple of weeks to read if prior to book group discussion in July.

Tilly Teckel - do you want to lead the questions for this one?

Cheers folks - Happy reading! x

Tilly Teckel
11-May-11, 20:59
Good find on Amazon there!

I'd be happy to lead the questions this time but you may need to give me reminder a week before - I have a mind like a sieve ;)

All excited again now, hope lots of peeps join in this time!

12-May-11, 11:59
Can I join in? :/

12-May-11, 13:30
The more the merrier! Just get yourself the book, enjoy the read, and check back on here July time to join in the discussions :O) x

Tilly Teckel
12-May-11, 14:54
Can I join in? :/

YAY - if you post it, they will come...!

13-May-11, 11:54
Will get the book today. Can't wait :)

Tilly Teckel
13-May-11, 22:57
Spotted the book in Tesco today for £8. Mine is the way from Amazon or I'd have bought it. Handy if anyone wants to join in without buying online.

14-May-11, 20:31
Delighted to see a positive uptake for this book! All aboard folks! Fun times x

17-May-11, 10:24
My book is on the way!! I should have it by Friday :) Can't wait!! :D

18-May-11, 12:29
Have started book. Gripping from page 1 :)

18-May-11, 12:52
My copy arrived yesterday, just as I am 10 pages into a new book.... o what to do? Continue with other book, or get stuck into our one first! LOL!x

18-May-11, 13:08
My book is here now (!) just as I finished my last one, so no dilemma for me :) x

19-May-11, 11:17
Dilemma over - Before I go to sleep picked up last night, the millenuim trilogy (which I am also excited to read) will wait for a couple of weeks! x

19-May-11, 11:37
I started it yesterday and i have read 166 pages :/ It is so difficult to put down!!! :D

19-May-11, 16:58
Oh my goodness, this book is ridiculously gripping!! I have been reading it continuously since about 2 o'clock and I now feel sick with excitement!! I am obviously not going to give anything away but just wait till you get to page 333!! This is one of the best books I have read in a long long time!!!1 :D

Tilly Teckel
19-May-11, 17:10
Got my copy yesterday, starting it tonight. May take a nap beforehand cos I think I'll be up most of the night!

19-May-11, 21:12
I have finished :D might read it again!! :D

Tilly Teckel
20-May-11, 16:13
Oooooh, I enjoyed that. Had to stop myself turning straight to page 333 though! Started it last night and finished it this morning; just couldn't put it down. Will get my thinking cap on for questions... good excuse to read it again I think!

21-May-11, 01:49
Get some good questions Tilly :)!! A book as good as this needs good questions so no pressure :) i honestly can not believe how much it gripped me from the very very beginning :) x

21-May-11, 01:50
P.s. Everyone should read this book, and also, I am going to read it again from Monday I think :D

21-May-11, 12:43
Am on about page 100 - the pages are flying past.. I'm already gathering suspicions and making preconceptions which will all be totally wrong no doubt, but I'm enjoying it and making margin notes as I go! xx

29-Jun-11, 20:42
Looking forward to the questions Tilly Teckel - you ready to go soon? YEHAR! :O) x

Tilly Teckel
30-Jun-11, 23:55
Hey, thanks for the heads-up, I'd totally forgot! Told you I had the brain of an amoeba!

Questions to follow very soon..... (once I've skimmed through the book again!) :)