View Full Version : Lemon Cake. (Yummm)

28-Apr-11, 19:45
Another one of my favourite recipes.

-175g unsalted butter
-175g caster sugar
-3 eggs, lightly beaten
-225g self raising flour
-2tbsp milk
-finely grated zest of one lemon
-6tbsp lemon juice
-3tbsp golden syrup

For Decorating.
-1 lemon
-50g granulated sugar
-1tbsp lemon juice
-a little cold water
-50g icing sugar, sieved.

-900g Loaf pan

1.Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F
2.Lightly butter and flour the Loaf pan.
3.Cream the butter and sugar together until they are light and fluffy.
4.Whisk in the eggs a little at a time, adding a spoonful of the measured flour to the mixture if it threatens to curdle.
5.Sift the remaining flour and fold it in with a metal spoon.
6.Then fold in the milk, lemon zest and half the lemon juice, Scrape the mixture into the prepared Loaf pan and level the top.
7.Bake for 1 hour, or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean.

8. While the cake cooks, cut the lemon slices into two.
9. In a small pan, dissolve the sugar with 100ml water, add the lemon slices and cook gently for 10minutes or so until the syrup starts to thicken.
10. Leave to cool and then drain the slices on kitchen paper.
11.Just before the cake comes out of the oven, heat the remaining lemon juice and golden syrup.

12.stab the warm cake with a knife or skewer and drizzle the lemon syrup all over it. Leave to cool in the pan.
13.Make a thin water icing with lemon juice, and icing sugar.
14.Pour carefully over the cake before arranging the lemon slices on top.

Hope you like it. Again send recipes or requests. ;)

28-Apr-11, 19:51
That's one of my favourites too! Nice and moist because of the syrup... I do an adult version and make the syrup with a shot of vodka in ;)

28-Apr-11, 21:50
Sounds good Leanne..I would get killed if I go caught doing that ;)

28-Apr-11, 22:06
Forgetting you're only 14... another good one is to boil and dissolve about 10 sherbert lemons in a 100ml of lemonade and pour that over - super sour :)

28-Apr-11, 22:09
Have you checked out my desserts on my 'come dine with me' albums on my facebook?

28-Apr-11, 22:47
;)Nope but i will.. lol x