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28-Apr-11, 19:27
Just curious about anyone having "domestic" disasters"?

I'll always remember my Mum telling me the story of her Mum and Dad......

Grandad (Mum's Dad) put up a shelf in they're (then) kitchen to display Granny's beautiful array of a dinner service which she was "given" because of her service to the family of which she was a servant to.

As I remember my Mum telling me, this dinner service was of the best quality of that time and fantastic to behold !!!:eek:

Well.... in the middle of the night, Granny heard a massive clatter and............well you can guess the rest......!!!:(

Poor Grandad......!!!:(

Does anyone else have similar stories about an heirloom or a precious piece of family "treasure" that is no longer with you, for whatever reason? .......

28-Apr-11, 19:51
We have 10 cats :eek: so it is a pretty regular occurrence. However, I am responsible for kicking over the dresser in the kitchen containing our collection, (acquired over about 20 years) of Coppice design china. I was trying to get in to the loft space through a hatch that was a bit of a squeeze, when I managed to kick away the stool I was standing on. Then, with my legs waving about managed to get them on top of the dresser only for the top portion to slide off to the very long and loud cacophony of smashing china.

Alls well though, the insurance company got us to post them all the broken pieces and their team of buyers, over about three months, managed to fairly accurately identify and replace the 40 or so items. :cool:

28-Apr-11, 20:10
But there is 1 item that refuses to break.....its a large glass crystal sugar/punch/fruit bowl on a stem..its about 10" across and 14" high.
Its survived the box it was in being dropped out the loft, knocked down the stairs, fallen over, dropped on my toe...put through the dishwasher (once).
Indestructible by accidents and as much as I dont really like it im not going to do anything deliberate to it!

28-Apr-11, 21:00
But there is 1 item that refuses to break.....its a large glass crystal sugar/punch/fruit bowl on a stem..its about 10" across and 14" high.
Its survived the box it was in being dropped out the loft, knocked down the stairs, fallen over, dropped on my toe...put through the dishwasher (once).
Indestructible by accidents and as much as I dont really like it im not going to do anything deliberate to it!

Wedding present from the in-laws?

28-Apr-11, 21:06
It was a wedding present from my Grannys cousin from Texas(they were over visiting at the time and I had to invite them).
The blasted thing took out 1 glass in each of the 3 sets of 4 in the display cabinet after being knocked that were very nice wedding pressies.

28-Apr-11, 22:47
not quite the same thing, but same idea.......

whilst mucking out a cupboard i came across one of my oh's hipflasks, full of some whisky or something. on opening it, it was stinking and fowl! so i poured it out and rinsed out the flask.......
turns out to was from his brothers wedding and it was supposed to stay in there as a keepsake.....OOPS!

29-Apr-11, 20:48
not quite the same thing, but same idea.......

whilst mucking out a cupboard i came across one of my oh's hipflasks, full of some whisky or something. on opening it, it was stinking and fowl! so i poured it out and rinsed out the flask.......
turns out to was from his brothers wedding and it was supposed to stay in there as a keepsake.....OOPS!

Could have been worse. Could have been an urn from his Uncles cremation.

29-Apr-11, 21:26
Could have been worse. Could have been an urn from his Uncles cremation.

:lol: :lol: disaster indeed!!

George Brims
29-Apr-11, 23:18
Here in the US the hot and cold water pipes under any sink have a valve for handy shutoff. Nowadays the pipes between valves and the underside of the taps are usually those flexy ones with the steel outer braid. Those are fine but they can get old and fail. I didn't know that until one quiet Sunday morning...
I am awoken by the sound of water hissing. "Someone's having a shower" I think. Then in my half awake state I think "Wife - in Scotland at her mum's. Son - said he was working at 6am today. Daughter no. 1 - at college in Australia. Daughter no. 2 - moved out last summer, said she was coming over today but not until late afternoon. Cat - hates water. So who's having the @#$%^&* shower!?" Now wide awake I jump out of bed - sploosh! Water is pouring out of the cabinet under the sink in our bathroom. Half the bedroom is already covered in a big puddle. I tried to turn off the valve in question - cold water fortunately - but it was stuck (don't buy an old house!). Threw on jeans and went out and turned off the water to the whole house. Fortunately I own a big 6 gallon shop vac so I was able to get a lot of the water sooked up quick. I also now own a big industrial carpet-drying-oot fan (the rental place were selling it off)

29-Apr-11, 23:45
My cat was in a curious mood the other day. this moode usually folows with something breaking or falling in his attempts to get in the strangest of places! That night he was trying to get on top of our unit in the living room above the pc desk. On top of the unit also is the xbox's sound system........

It missed me by literally an inch! Thankfully its not a big heavy thing :eek:

30-Apr-11, 00:42
I have fallen asleep while pouring a bath...
My cousin tried setting my kitchen on fire twice in one week......
Tried changing the lightbulb in the bathroom while standing in a bath full of water and shampoo in my hair without switching the light off..
Killed 3 lawnmowers in one week..
The water filter thingy for the fridge exploded flooding the kitchen...to the point that wellies were sensible footwear...
Iona has switched off the freezer a couple of times...

......Hubby has life insurance on me before you ask!

30-Apr-11, 00:44
I have fallen asleep while pouring a bath...
My cousin tried setting my kitchen on fire twice in one week......
Tried changing the lightbulb in the bathroom while standing in a bath full of water and shampoo in my hair without switching the light off..
Killed 3 lawnmowers in one week..
The water filter thingy for the fridge exploded flooding the kitchen...to the point that wellies were sensible footwear...
Iona has switched off the freezer a couple of times...

......Hubby has life insurance on me before you ask!

Sounds like he needs it lol.

30-Apr-11, 01:41
On Monday I woke up quite early..waiting for Jezza Kyle to come on..made a cuppa then went back and sat on top of the bed,,, (Been in/on the bed for over a year due to illness unrelated to my wheelchir lol) Not sure how much later I was dozing sitting bolt upright BUT I then fell sideways off the bed..right onto the wheelchair at the side (whch obv had it's brakes on) When I was a heap on the floor trying to work out what had happened I realised my back was wet????? Put my hand round and yes, it WAS wet but there was nothing on my hand...reached back round again and that's when I realised I'd knocked my cuppa tea off the bedside table onto my back....PHEW!!! lol