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View Full Version : letterbox basket

14-Apr-11, 17:20
Does anybody possibly know where in Thurso i could buy a letter basket for hanging on the back of the door? Our cheeky doggy has started to eat our mail! :confused lol Any help much appreciated.


14-Apr-11, 21:06
Hi we have the same probllem so we attached a norfrost freezer basket to the back of the box with hooks but canna take big packages .if you wanna use a basket phone icetec and ask to buy a basket sure they would sell you one .hope that helps .

14-Apr-11, 21:12
I would try Serendipity as they have quite a selection of household nic naks

14-Apr-11, 22:57
Thanks for the help, i think i'll try serendipity tomorrow and if i have no luck there i'll try icetec :)