View Full Version : Recycling

05-Apr-11, 16:06
I am all in favour of recycling have done for year now but with this new bin system coming in to force this week and if you have put the wrong things in the wrong bins (by mistake as it can be dificult to know whats what) will slap a sticker on it and not uplift it .Do you think there will be an increase in fly tipping ?

05-Apr-11, 16:09
I must admit I am baffled by what can and cant go in the new blue bin,the stupid leaflet doesnt say much at all! I have been told that plastic bottles have to have labels removed(doesnt say that on leaflet) and cardboard has to be folded,even if it is a tiny box,and a few other things as well,so now I am scared to put things in the stupid thing! x

05-Apr-11, 16:15
I need a dummy's guide to recycling. The leaflet says no food pots, which I take to mean yogurt, pot noodle pots etc. But there is a recycling symbol on our yogurt pots so I'm not sure if they can go in after all. At this rate its only going to be the milk containers and cereal boxes being diverted from the main grey bin as we already recycled the tins and newspapers.

05-Apr-11, 16:36
Crikey, I didn't see that and have tons of food pots in mine!

Beat Bug
05-Apr-11, 16:41
We've had our re-cycling bins for over a year now, and have no problems with identifying what goes into it. Milk cartons, pop and squash bottles, and any other plastic container with the correct symbols on them. Palmolive liquid soap bottles too, but rinse out all the residue. They don't want all re-cyclable plastics, only the ones with the symbol they specify. There's a number inside the triangle, and some letters under it. If in doubt, ask the council!

05-Apr-11, 16:49
And I am wondering what exactly we are paying our council tax for, if not the services offered by the council which when I last looked
included waste disposal, and sorting the waste was their problem,
rather than buy a lot of goods of which requires a lot of sorting, I have changed my shopping habits, few or no tinned foods, less plastic packaged goods, etc
and anything that does manage to slip we recycle / reuse ourselves.

I think we pander enough to the council,

05-Apr-11, 17:05
The thing Im worried about with the two week turnaround is the normal refuse bin. For the past 2 years or so (ever since the Janetstown recycling depot opened) I have recycled everything that they take...including what is now to go in the blue bin. While this will save me a trip to the recycling centre it wont cut down what goes in my normal bin. Most weeks its only half full...but if Im having a clear-out I can see the bin getting full before the 2 weeks is up.

Plus I feel really sorry for those who only have small yards...three big bins take up a hell of a lot of space!

Right *update* ----

I have just this minute phoned the council. NO tubs etc, just bottles due to the possibility of contamination. So even if you wash out your pots you can't recycle them and there is NOWHERE in Highland to recycle them as they dont have the resources...being looked at of course and will happen eventually. *sheesh*

05-Apr-11, 17:10
I've emailed to find out about the pots with the symbol ( a triangle with ps in the middle) so I'll let you know Blondie when I hear back.
Beatbug - I saw the symbol on the leaflet (a 1 in the triangle with PET underneath or a 2 with HDPE), but these only refer to plastic bottles as far as I can understand it not pots or containers.
I had hoped the plastic trays that mince came in etc would have been accepted in the blue bin.

05-Apr-11, 17:12
Ooops, posted at the same time as you Sage - thanks for clearing that up. Sheesh alright :lol:

05-Apr-11, 19:02
I've just finished a bottle of shampoo which, it says on the leaflet, can be put in the blue bin - well it actually says toiletry bottles.

But, I'm confused as to how I'd rinse it out thoroughly considering its a squeezy bottle with a tiny cap ? :confused

P/S - It states in red at the bottom of said leaflet that you can't put plastic "caps" in the blue bin........does this mean caps off bottles/containers such as milk carton plastic caps?? :confused

05-Apr-11, 19:23
Yup...caps off everything :roll:

Just had a thought too....cant put trays etc in due to contamination..bet there's more contamination issues with bleach bottles, detergent bottles etc all mixing together if they've not been rinsed out properly! :eek:

05-Apr-11, 20:45
The following can go in the bin:-
PAPER - newspapers, glossy magazines, scrap paper, catalogues etc
CARDBOARD - thin and thick cardboard boxes (squashed if possible, simply to give you space in your bin), egg boxes, toilet/kitchen roll tubes etc
FOOD TINS/DRINKS CANS - e.g. beans/soup/pet food etc tins (RINSED OUT, and labels can be left on) and juice/beer cans
PLASTIC BOTTLES - milk bottles, juice bottles, water bottles, toiletry bottles - RINSED OUT, labels can be left on, lids must be removed, and bottles should have a 1 or 2 on the triangle on the bottom

The following should NOT go in the bin:-

In some cases your bin will be rejected if you put any of the not wanted items in it, as it will contaminate the load.

If in doubt, contact the council - [email protected]

05-Apr-11, 20:57
In Lewis out recycling has changed from inception -
tins had to be rinsed out and all labels removed - now it does not matter, you do not rinse out or remove labels as when they get recycled they are heated.
plastics used to be cleaned - now I understand you put it in uncleansed.
the rules seem to change every few months as they find different ways of doing the recycling.

05-Apr-11, 21:13
oh well....time to go empty the whole bin out and re-do it all again! :roll: x

05-Apr-11, 21:27
oh stuff it, i'll just empty the whole lot in the middle of the garden and set fire to it and have a bonfire ;)

(joking before anyone has a pop).

Corrie 3
05-Apr-11, 21:43
oh stuff it, i'll just empty the whole lot in the middle of the garden and set fire to it and have a bonfire ;)

(joking before anyone has a pop).
It all sounds a load of rubbish to me, what do you reckon Tugs?


05-Apr-11, 21:59
I think i need a degree in recycling :lol:

05-Apr-11, 22:05
Oh Dear!
I've just realised that I have filled mine with the wrong things!
I thought it was OK to put yogurt pots in......

Decided I've had enough of this recycling bin now!

05-Apr-11, 22:05
It all sounds a load of rubbish to me, what do you reckon Tugs?


haha too right!
i remember when i had a real fire i used to get the coals glowing red then put on one of the 4 litre plastic milk bottle at least once a week to keep the chimney from sooting up - bring back real fires and burn what's burnable lol

05-Apr-11, 22:13
I still have a real fire (closed in rayburn) but only burn my private mail in it ,oh i am confused even more now:confusedi was putting juice cartions in my bin but cutting out the plastic tops .its all for a good cause really .

05-Apr-11, 23:29
I had mine emptyed today and i did not take labels off so am not sure if i did rite or wrong but they have empitied it today xxxxx

Beat Bug
05-Apr-11, 23:37
Hopefully they'll allow a period of adjusting for those new to blue bins. Ww'd been re-cycling for about 5 or 6 years before moving to Caithness, so were used to it.

06-Apr-11, 09:08
I sliced my finger trying to get the caps off the shampoo bottles..they dont twist or pop off!

06-Apr-11, 18:01
i bet it will have people thinking before they buy products to what packaging they have .

06-Apr-11, 18:30
What do you do with grass cuttings apart from trying ot hide them in the bin.

06-Apr-11, 19:12
think im with the ones that have now got to go and empty their bin i have been puttin pretty much everything in it that can be recycled oops. this is definitly going to take some getting used to

06-Apr-11, 20:44
The only material that actually requires less energy to recycling that create new is Aluminium (that's why they pay for cans), combine that with shipping the material down to the recycling seems like steps-forward-one-step-back-to-me.

I've not looked into it, but the Council can't for example forbid or fine you for drinking alcohol in a council house. Yet they say they can do it if you don't recycle. Perhaps it's a bluff, one they try to enforce by only collecting the bins alternately, perhaps it's perfectly possible to put the same rubbish in each bin. I believe businesses are still allowed to dump a lot of stuff (except paper) so why are they let off.

I suppose one vindictive method of fly-tipping would tipping it on council property or outside councilors homes. What's to stop me using the bin or someone a couple of streets over.

I have nothing against the council sorting through rubbish and recycling it themselves but if I'm doing some of the work for them shouldn't I get a cut or discount.

08-Apr-11, 08:08
well today is recyling day,and by the looks of it we wont have to worry too much,the bins are so light most will have tipped over and scattered their contents everywhere by the time they are collected!Of course then it will be a minority who actually go pick it up!x

08-Apr-11, 12:42
What do you do with grass cuttings apart from trying ot hide them in the bin.

Leave them on the grass! It doesn't hurt the grass- after a couple years of that you'll have the lushest greenest lawn around. Without chemical fertiliser.

08-Apr-11, 18:11
As suggested somewhere in the middle of this thread, 1 simple word that solves all these problems....

I have been told that plastic bottles have to have labels removed(doesnt say that on leaflet) and cardboard has to be folded,even if it is a tiny box

Fire and fire respectively

The leaflet says no food pots, which I take to mean yogurt, pot noodle pots etc. At this rate its only going to be the milk containers and cereal boxes being diverted from the main grey bin as we already recycled the tins and newspapers.

Fire, fire, and for the newspapers, lighting the fire!

Milk cartons, pop and squash bottles, and any other plastic container.... Palmolive liquid soap bottles .... They don't want all re-cyclable plastics, only the ones with the symbol they specify.

Fire x 6!

less plastic packaged goods, etc


NO tubs etc, just bottles due to the possibility of contamination. So even if you wash out your pots you can't recycle them and there is NOWHERE in Highland to recycle them as they dont have the resources...


I've emailed to find out about the pots with the symbol ( a triangle with ps in the middle) so I'll let you know Blondie when I hear back.
Beatbug - I saw the symbol on the leaflet (a 1 in the triangle with PET underneath or a 2 with HDPE), but these only refer to plastic bottles as far as I can understand it not pots or containers.
I had hoped the plastic trays that mince came in etc would have been accepted in the blue bin.

Fire, all round

I've just finished a bottle of shampoo which, it says on the leaflet, can be put in the blue bin - well it actually says toiletry bottles.


cant put trays etc in due to contamination..bet there's more contamination issues with bleach bottles, detergent bottles etc all mixing together if they've not been rinsed out properly!



Fire (lots of it!)

I sliced my finger trying to get the caps off the shampoo bottles..they dont twist or pop off!

Don't risk injury or death - Put it on the fire!

08-Apr-11, 21:08
Yip you are right Orkneycadian,but I find the smell of burning plastic as it drips down my total heating with total control system a bit strong ;) x

08-Apr-11, 21:25
Ah well, you will live in one of these fantoosh modern hooses with no Waste to Energy plants!

09-Apr-11, 14:31
Many thanks I will do that and save myself a lot of hassle as well.

10-Apr-11, 08:53
Wonder if they will do it up here?
"Fines for residents who break the rules on rubbish collections in England are to be scrapped, the BBC has learned."


11-Apr-11, 20:07
Well at least we can be warm in the knowlege that this was probably worked out by a commitee numbering about thirty of the finest brains at a cost of about 5 million quid.

11-Apr-11, 20:12
Without a proper fire in your house, Ducati, I fear you may have to forego the warmth associated with waste disposal!

11-Apr-11, 20:15
Without a proper fire in your house, Ducati, I fear you may have to forego the warmth associated with waste disposal!

Oh I have a proper fire, I have the mother of all multi fuel jobbys. I'm not sure that the term multi fuel was supposed to be quite so all encompassing though. :eek:

11-Apr-11, 20:59
If it says "Multi Fuel" on the tin, then Multi Fuel it shall be! No limitation, as long as it will burn, then in it goes!

12-Apr-11, 08:04
What do you do with grass cuttings apart from trying ot hide them in the bin.

Grass cuttings go in your brown bin:-)

12-Apr-11, 08:12
We dont have a brown bin and neither do a lot of people...
I think they were only distributed in Wick and Thurso.
And leaving the grass cuttings on the grass would drive me mad everytime the kids go out they would trail the grass cuttings back in the house.
I would like a brown bin collection as then I could prune the bush in the front garden right back without worrying about where to put the trimmings.
The bush has really long sharp spikes on it..not really suitable for the compost heap or taking to the dump in the back of the car.

12-Apr-11, 08:27
can you not ask the council for a brown bin?

12-Apr-11, 23:14
Have done but they do not "do" collections outside the towns.
Bit of a pest as I would love the neighbours who love to burn the garden waste to have a brown bin instead.
I would love to be be able to have my washing out on a good day without it smelling of a bonfire......as no courtsey knock on the door and warning is issued before burning commences and I have enough washing without having to do it all twice "rant over"

13-Apr-11, 06:35
I am all in favour of recycling have done for year now but with this new bin system coming in to force this week and if you have put the wrong things in the wrong bins (by mistake as it can be dificult to know whats what) will slap a sticker on it and not uplift it .Do you think there will be an increase in fly tipping ?

I have been recycling for several years now. I place my recycled stuff in a separate can when it is picked up with my trash. The trash people supposedly see that it is properly disposed with other recyclables.