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View Full Version : Favourite Animal Ads

Tilly Teckel
28-Mar-11, 01:06
Reading the 'Dreamies' thread reminded me how much I love that ad. I also love the one where the cats develop thumbs (although I can't remember what it advertises!).

What's your fave animal-ad?

28-Mar-11, 10:59
I love the clydesdale budweiser ads on you tube,i was going to upload some but dont know how.

29-Mar-11, 19:25
I love the ad for Drontal Wormer at the start of the Dog Whisperer on Nat Geo.

29-Mar-11, 21:56
I'm with you Merlzin..I love the Budweiser Clydesdale ads,they are so clever and beautifully filmed :lol:

Tilly Teckel
29-Mar-11, 22:04
I'm not a huge fan of cows (was chased by some as a child) but I love the Anchor butter ad where the cows are making the butter. The country version of Paradise City is genius.

I also love the Muller yoghurt ad where the cow gets to run across the beach. Cows, eh? Crazy...