View Full Version : Caithness FM/Moray Firth Radio

03-Sep-06, 12:17
Unfortunately the MFR broadcasting/transmitting equipment which is used by both stations and is housed at Ben Dorrerry has failed which means that both MFR and CFM will be off air for a least today and probably tommorrow. Until a MFR engineer can get up there we will not know the extent of the damage and cannot say for definate what the problem is.

We know that many of you use radio alarm clocks set to MFR so please switch to alarm instead of radio for tomorrow anyway.

We will keep you informed as to what is happening as soon as we know more ourselves

03-Sep-06, 12:43
Thats a pity, I enjoy Caithness FM in the evenings. Hope it is not too difficult to repair, and is up and running again soon.

Alice in Blunderland
03-Sep-06, 13:45
Oh no we have just switched over to listening to Moray Firth and Caithness Fm hope its back soon

04-Sep-06, 13:28
thanks folk, both CFm and MFR back working today so tune in tonight for Hughie at 7.00pm as usual

04-Sep-06, 16:10

(Strokes cat while sitting in massive chair planning world domination)

04-Sep-06, 19:13
sorry folks, it's broken down again - we once again await the MFR engineers from Inverness - we apologise for the lack of service but its totally out of our hands

05-Sep-06, 08:06
Hmmmm ... doesn't sound as if the MFR engineers did too good a job first time!

Wonder how long before they come to fix it?

05-Sep-06, 18:46
MFR was working in my car so does that mean it is now fixed?

05-Sep-06, 20:10
We certainly hope so!

Glad you are still listening.

06-Sep-06, 10:56
I emailed a request for our wedding anniversary for this morning and try as I might could not get MFR at all, it's been like this for days. BOOO.
[evil] I tried other channels but Radio Scotland is only relevant to those in the central belt, Radio 1 is for teeny boppers and Radio 2 is OK - but reminds me I am over 30.

06-Sep-06, 11:57
I've just spoken to the MFr technical department - they think the problem lies in a faulty power supply to the equipment, it has been repaired and replaced but it seems to be at a lower setting than previously meaning that some areas are still not receiving the signal clearly. We hope that this will be a short term problem and apologise for any inconvenience.

If you'd like us to try playing your request tonight email us at [email protected]

We are delighted than so many people have taken the trouble to phone to ask why we were not on air and to phone us last night to say where the signal was reaching - it's great to know we have listeners out there! thanks to everybody who contacted us

06-Sep-06, 14:52
I've just spoken to the MFr technical department - they think the problem lies in a faulty power supply to the equipment, it has been repaired and replaced but it seems to be at a lower setting than previously meaning that some areas are still not receiving the signal clearly. We hope that this will be a short term problem and apologise for any inconvenience.

If you'd like us to try playing your request tonight email us at [email protected]

We are delighted than so many people have taken the trouble to phone to ask why we were not on air and to phone us last night to say where the signal was reaching - it's great to know we have listeners out there! thanks to everybody who contacted us

Lovely thought but my equally lovely husband is taking me out for dinner tonight...(yup its been 3 years but we are still supposedly in the honeymoon period LOL)

07-Sep-06, 07:07
You can always listen to Radio 1 , Better music than Mfr;)

07-Sep-06, 07:50
MFR was working fine yesterday

07-Sep-06, 08:13
Just depends where you are - the decrease in power means that some areas are not getting a good signal - I can get it upstairs in my house but not downstairs!

where do you live? we know that Lyth, Watten, Calder, Shebster, Parts of Halkirk, Cannisbay, Springpark, and Ulbster are getting us clearly but most of wick and parts of Thurso arn't

07-Sep-06, 09:05
Wick, but i had it on in the car.

07-Sep-06, 09:16
I can get it in my car, but no-where else. I'm in Thurso.

07-Sep-06, 09:22
CFM is absolute rubbish anyhow.
Full of idiots that dont have the first clue how to DJ properly (not that I could do any better)
It is an embarrassment to the community

07-Sep-06, 09:51
well everyone is entitled to their opinion!

firstly tho' DJ's do disco's - we have presenters and there is a difference!
seondly everyone are volunteers, week in and week out people give up their time to present these shows, providing their own music at their own expense most of the time - okay its not everyones taste but a great many people do enjoy it - (we had 69 phone calls asking why we were not on air) Not everyone enjoys wall to wall chart music or dance music and at CFM we try to give people a choice, where else would you find a station that gives you everything from traditional scottish music to classical and jazz with just about everything else in between! There is something for everyone - just not all the time.

We also spend a fair bit of time promoting community events etc and go out of our way to help other voluntary organisations in the county. We've hardly had a free weekend all summer as we've attended so many shows, fairs etc.

It really is a big committment that our volunteers make - I'm sorry that you don't enjoy it, perhaps if you email me on [email protected] we can address specific complaints you have and consider any suggestions you wish to make - we are always open to new ideas and are always looking for new volunteers!!

As to the reception - the signal on a car radio is always stronger and you will pick it up in the car in places where you can't get it in a house - technical thing which I don't understand!

07-Sep-06, 12:23
I'd just like to say I enjoy caithness Fm if it's on when i am in the car. It's hilarious when interviewing local people and just the accents (and I am caithness born & bred) is enough to have me in stitches! A very good choice of music of all different types. If you don't like whats on some night switch to another channel!

Well done CFM you do a brilliant Job!

07-Sep-06, 12:29
I'd just like to say I enjoy caithness Fm if it's on when i am in the car. It's hilarious when interviewing local people and just the accents (and I am caithness born & bred) is enough to have me in stitches! A very good choice of music of all different types. If you don't like whats on some night switch to another channel!

Well done CFM you do a brilliant Job!

I'll second that..:D

07-Sep-06, 12:38
thank you! we do our best and have been really heartened this week by the interest people have shown when we were off air

anyone wanting to give it a try can always contact us likewise if you'd like to be interviewed about a local event or organisation - or ifyou'd just like to promote an event - it's all free of charge

07-Sep-06, 12:39
Keep up the good work CFM!!

07-Sep-06, 13:17
Just depends where you are - the decrease in power means that some areas are not getting a good signal - I can get it upstairs in my house but not downstairs!

where do you live? we know that Lyth, Watten, Calder, Shebster, Parts of Halkirk, Cannisbay, Springpark, and Ulbster are getting us clearly but most of wick and parts of Thurso arn't

Finally got MFR this morning (I am in Halkirk - see below)

Yaay...never thought I would miss Nicky Marr saying "FANTASTIC" but I actually did.

08-Sep-06, 20:25
I am sorry but I have to admit that I would like to be listening to MFR on 102.5 in the evenings and not Caithness FM. When Caithness FM starts then I switch off as I cant stand the presenters. They cant do it!!!!.

Sorry but thats just my opinion.

08-Sep-06, 20:33
Don't rise to the bait to often but in this instance I think it is so easy to critisise. As far as I am aware the folk on CFM are volunteers - so no pay - and use their own music - so personal expense of buying CDs. I have been to a quite a few events where CFM have been playing music/acting as MCs (and I know that they do not ask for payment) - also they seem to be more than happy to help to promote local events. Give them a break! Could you do any better - if so, I am sure CFM would love to hear from you!

08-Sep-06, 20:53
I believe Caithness FM do know who i am and I asked to become a DJ with them before but they said they did not want anyone else. I dont critisise with regarding them being volunteers and they have to supply their own music. Im just giving my opinion and nothing else really and this has nothing to do with not working with them either....

08-Sep-06, 20:59
I believe Caithness FM do know who i am and I asked to become a DJ with them before but they said they did not want anyone else. I dont critisise with regarding them being volunteers and they have to supply their own music. Im just giving my opinion and nothing else really and this has nothing to do with not working with them either....

I don't know who you are, or whether CFM do or do not want presenters at the moment - and you are entitled to your own opinion, I am just saying that the people who are presenters are doing their best.

Also you seem to be saying that you want to listen to MFR if the evening because CFM did not need presenters when you volunteered whether you mean to or not????????

08-Sep-06, 21:00
I believe Caithness FM do know who i am and I asked to become a DJ with them before but they said they did not want anyone else. I dont critisise with regarding them being volunteers and they have to supply their own music. Im just giving my opinion and nothing else really and this has nothing to do with not working with them either....
I think that everyone is entitled to their opinion but if you think you can do better I am sure they would have hired you but they didn't so all I can see from your post is a massive case of sour grapes, get over it.[lol]

09-Sep-06, 16:52
I think that everyone is entitled to their opinion but if you think you can do better I am sure they would have hired you but they didn't so all I can see from your post is a massive case of sour grapes, get over it.[lol]

I was wondering how long you were going to take to get into this thread!!!

Its nothing to do with sour grapes.. I wish them all the best but personally I prefer MFR and I dont see why us people - meaning listeners of MFR - Have got no option but to listen to CFM after 7pm. I know plenty of people who think CFM is rubbish but I also know people who like it.

And before you say it yes I can listen to it online which I do but when out in the car, I cant get it unless im in Wick by the way.

If you dont get on with one person in Caithness FM then you dont get on with the rest of them... they stick together but as like u pultneytooner you think its all about sour grapes... well ur miles wrong.

09-Sep-06, 17:04
I'm all for local radio, but I must admit I don't listen to much radio full stop.

The last time I actually 'listened' to CFM was when I put on a request for my parents wedding anniversary about 15 years ago. {hangs head in shame}

But, I'm sure there are a lot of people who appreciate the voluntary work of the presenters and enjoy their programmes.

So, as with everything in life - it will appeal to some, but not others!

The only unfortunate thing is, any avid MFR fans do have to miss out - and any avid CFM fans can't tune in at all hours :) I'm sure there are many that prefer CFM to any other station.

09-Sep-06, 18:58
The only way to solve the problem of these two great radio stations is to have their own frequency. Im sure that there is a very good reason for them shearing frequencies, but to appreciate both stations, they need their own frequency to transmit on.

11-Sep-06, 08:20
okay - first of all - No one has ever been turned away from CFM because they didn't want anyone else, I don't know who you are Moonboots but that is just wrong, you may have been told we didn't need any more presenters at that particular time but we always ask new volunteers to act as receptionist first, so you should have been offered the chance to come into the studio for a look around and to discuss it with two of the directors

secondly - the two stations sharing frequences, MFR were allocated the 102.5 frequency to broadcast in this area and at that time, one of the conditions was that they supported community radio. There are three other stations working under the same conditions, Speysound in Aviemore, Keith Community Radio and Kinnard Community Radio. The reason we continue to share frequncies is because we have no other real options - it would cost thousands every year for us to go it alone - and as we are totally self funded this is not an option. We receive no grants or funding from any source, everything is paid for by our own fundraising efforts and by the sponsorship of local companies. Over the years we have purchased the land the station sits on and we own the building. All repairs etc are done by our selves so we are totally self sufficient. We could not continue if we had to pay for the licences, mast rental etc etc - it's just not feasible.

For those of you who don't like us, I'm sorry and again I will say if you have specific constructive critisism or suggestions please contact me on [email protected] and we'll cetainly look at it

For those of you who have supported us - thank you and please keep listening

If you're not even willing to give us a try then MFR is on 97.4 mw

11-Sep-06, 09:56
The fact that CFM broadcasts on MFR frequency is my main grip with the station. MFR is actually quite good in the evening but alas at 7pm we are switched off and then we have to listen to the local yocals speaking rubbish all night with non existent dj skills, songs stopping midway and the like.
How long has MFR got this agreement to support local radio for?
Hopefully when they no longer have to support it, the plug will be pulled and we can all listen to professional radio once more